Message from @AllTheFunnyNamesWereTaken
Discord ID: 530211669570355240
Omg those dogs looked so happy
Hi octavia
Anything over 15c is way too hot for me
dont at me
Hi @AllTheFunnyNamesWereTaken, do I know tou?
Fair enough tea
Nicolle bed
@m@zalfir much being the key word there lol
Tea same here, but I'm stuck with it all the time
@Octavia probably not, just being nice
60 degrees
Dont fucking tell me what to do, back in yer cupboard @Tea
thats winter weather
@sweatercowsandsass SORRY MUM
i play golf in 120 degrees
Well always nice to be nice
15°c is 59°f
@shitzngigz what happens in Melbourne, stays in Melbourne
59°f is barely warm
Anything over 18° is no hood
@zalfir Melbourne can keep it 😂
Fucking pansy’s
How si t barely warm, anything over that is too hot
I prefer the cold
you are the reason why niggers say whites are cave men
Mate I'd live in snow before anything hot
@Tea how cold does it get where you are?
fuck that
98-105 is my sweet spot
80°f is best
I like 14c PLEASE contribute, only so much i can do