Message from @Daniel van Straaten
Discord ID: 471037623385849866
So ignorance is bliss after all.
WTF?!?!? Yes great idea... if the world confuses you, stop thinking?!?! Waaahahahahaha
Joyce Meyer is a total fraud
@Malcolm the Seceder totally agree.
@TruthCanary just another fake out for herself duping all those poor gullible fools. She has no idea what true religion is
The amount of heresy and false teaching coming from her over the years is astonishing. Lots of New Age ideas amongst others.
And then she says things like "get tattoos, drink whatever you want, do whatever you want because it's just legalism not to"
Ditsem! @TruthCanary, you just advanced to level 1!
Great testimony from an ex New Ager
@TruthCanary thanks will have a look. Do you have Netflix? Are you aware of the Wild Wild Country documentary on the rajneeshees
@TruthCanary but people are already worshipping the new age messiah
Ditsem! @$P!KY\/!k!NG, you just advanced to level 4!
@Malcolm the Seceder do you believe in the theory of evolution?
@TruthCanary No. Way.
@Daniel van Straaten She's excellent. Have you read her Secret Thoughts?
@Daniel van Straaten Hmmm I'm not a Libertarian though
Ditsem! @Malcolm the Seceder, you just advanced to level 7!
What are you a fan of?
How do you define libertarian?
Liberal on social issues like drugs, sex, alcohol, smoking, beards
Malcolm they are talking english again
@Malcolm the Seceder Willem Petzer describes himself as a Paleo Libertarian
I appreciate leaders like Rand and Ron Paul.
I would be closer to Pat Buchanan
But we're also talking in a religious context. There should be no libertarianism in religion
Except where the Bible gives it
@Daniel van Straaten What sort of things do you chat about on that forum?
Are you on FB? It is focused on the reformed (theological sense) view of politics.
The main guys are reformed baptist but some are presbyterian
They have a website called
This is a great article
I like Ayn Rand
She's a fire breather :)
Nope what's the thesis?