Message from @ecce_lux
Discord ID: 425054716037300224
Thanks Auti for this artwork...
this is why I'm making a video about South Africa
maybe some other weirdo will randomly click my video
it only takes a few people here and there to make things happen
My pleasure Will, we can do several versions of it also the best is very excellent
@Willem Petzer @Autisticated Thats some great stuff right there
Hi Renier ty!
I love the video u sent and will work with it later also!
I'm going to post that on twitter tomorrow when Boers are awake...
full disclosure - I'm Alt-Right sympathetic, but not formally Alt-Right
Guys, thank you so much for doing what you can. I honestly appreciate it so much. I'm not South African, but it gives me hope for them
my video will be as normie friendly as possible
the last thing I want to do is scare people away
basic hard facts only
Hi ecce, i am libertarian but i support anyone who stands for freedom, liberty, keeping the land of our ancestors for our future generations to inherit and keeping our christian faith
Siener ftw
Put the Boer flag over him
Congratulations, @Willem Petzer you are now at level 2
@Autisticated are you South African?
@Autisticated - I honestly think that the "right" / "new right" / whatever must stop infighting and bickering over nonsense - things like South Africa and Muslim migration are too important to be sidelined
thank u Ecce i will be happy to do that version!
Seiner never would have used that flag
He is famous for saying: "Die vierkleur sal weer wapper"
Meaning the Boer-flag will be saluted again (Be the official flag)
You guys should never underestimate what a great example of failed multiculturism is for what might happen to europe and the rest of the western world if uncontrolled migration takes over. Especially when the migrants seeks to take over
okay, Channe mentioned goals - I think getting main stream media to just acknowledge South Africa should be a goal
we, in this chat, will never get air time, but we can influence culture through YouTube and twitter
Just so you guys know, this is the true Boer flag...
find people with infuence and curry favor
Can do.
I'm going to make a list on who to tag in tweets
For you guys
@Willem Petzer Join my pfp for SA'ners?
Don't know how...
oh thank u so much WIll sent me a beautiful png of the Boer flag to use I am already working on it but I will save yours also ecce
@Reiner you're right, but people are still married to multiculturalism
I think the violence aspect will be the first step - then discuss multiculturalism