
Discord ID: 307295649785708547

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hello - I'm an American who just wants to help in whatever small way I can

I think I'll make a YouTube video about it - I don't have a particularly large subscriber base, but I'll still make something to show anyway

what's your twitter handle?

following now

I would normally make fun of a person using "Kekistani", but this is much more important than shitposting

my handle is @ 4theritereason

I first heard about this from frickin' Simon Roche - he's a weirdo when you start looking into him, but I really don't think that should matter - he's still representing people who are in dire need of help

there's almost a sort of public relations gap that needs overcoming

thanks - I intended my twitter account to be pure shitposting at first

Trump is too consumed with other things

the western world is burnong as a whole

South Africa is simply another tire fire

I mean no disrespect, obviously, but most people have no idea what's going on in S.A.

try to explain it to them and it comes off like another wrist-band cause that will be forgotten like KONY2012

crazy / deluded / mislead / naive

I think the only thing I'm able to do is just discuss the topic

I'm unable to do much more than bring about some level of awareness

the western world doesn't observe that whites are a global minority


for now the leftist anti-white rhetoric still reigns supreme in the public sphere - the light at the end of the tunnel, in my opinion, is that people are catching on

GenZ is starting to look like they might be pretty redpilled compared to Millennials and GenX

I'm GenX and I woke up - that's a hell of a thing

Millenials have had the worst of the brain washing

I'm old enough to remember before it got bad

this is part of why I broke conditioning

I grew up when you could go outside unsupervised

I had to solve my own problems

I never deferred to authority the way millennials do

fifferent mind set

I voted liberal my whole life - Trump came along and for some reason I started to see things clearly

it was the Cologne rape attacks that did it for me

plus the Trump triggering

the great meme war of 2016 was fucking epic

it's okay - I voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore

we all do embarrassing bullshit

I'm going to write up a draft of talking points for a video on South Africa today

maybe record audio tonight or something

yo, I never gave two shits about 4chan or edgelord culture until 2016

incidentally, my YouTube handle is also ecce_lux

I was going to Chinese fireawll my online life and my real life - I ended up with a bunch of accounts with various handles

kinda lame, I guess

Tampa doesn't seem as bad as where I live - Los Angeles

most people here are bluepilled for life

it's rough

Let me guess which one

you know, that was the same county that was in contention when Al Gore lost, right?

seriously - that one county is a horror show for elections

first people need to know S.A. is in trouble

after that they'll need some kind of aid / protection

you can't solve a problem that you can't identify

step one - identify problem

after that you decide on courses of action - their big problem is that they're physically under attack

so the easiest temporary solution is to provide a level of safety

but just sending light arms, food, medical supplies and feul is just to solve the symptoms

other people will have more resources than us and will be better equipped to deal with the problem - I think just getting the word out is a good start

maybe link it to things that are going on now - the European migrant crisis

the idea is that South Africa is a view into a possible future for Europe

whites as a demographic minority

well, that's one way of bringing up the topic

goal: get onto CNN

if you can get South African genocide onto CNN you're going to redpill people

it's technically doable

at that pint in time it becomes a meme jihad to get people to discuss the topic

neither Hanity nor Tucker has discussed South Africa

no shit - I missed that episode - my bad

going into the history of South Africa won't help normies get into it

I think focusing on the rape/murders of innocent women is the best direction

oh, and children


I think the racial tension in combination with abject violence is the best direction

it forces people to acknowledge reality

that's just an opinion - I've not engaged in any kind of information spreading

only general discussion

Lauren Southern is making that documentary

stuff like that is good

Lauren Southern isn't Alt-Right, but there is overlap in her viewership

hello fellow new people

I think getting South Africa onto CNN would be hilarious - in terms of forcing them to acknowledge reality

just imagine how salty they'd be having to focus on the real world

one of the people I follow follos "rationalgent"

I wonder if he's in here somewhere

I found out about South Africa when I was just generally looking into how whites deal with non-whites

I think it was a random YouTube link or something

I love esoteric bullshit and, relative to everything in main stream media, South Africa is esoteric

Some random person with no subscribers put up a video about South Africa and something about it got my curiosity

I couldn't tell you why, if you asked me

once I found out, back in mid-2017, I just had to find out more

this is why I'm making a video about South Africa

maybe some other weirdo will randomly click my video

it only takes a few people here and there to make things happen

full disclosure - I'm Alt-Right sympathetic, but not formally Alt-Right

my video will be as normie friendly as possible

the last thing I want to do is scare people away

basic hard facts only

@Autisticated - I honestly think that the "right" / "new right" / whatever must stop infighting and bickering over nonsense - things like South Africa and Muslim migration are too important to be sidelined

Seiner never would have used that flag

okay, Channe mentioned goals - I think getting main stream media to just acknowledge South Africa should be a goal

we, in this chat, will never get air time, but we can influence culture through YouTube and twitter

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