Message from @Willem Petzer
Discord ID: 425058245208703018
point out the ridiculousness of your opponent's position with a poignant joke
Congratulations, @Autisticated you are now at level 1
nice updated Seiner
Guys look how well my twitter is doing recently! people are really starting to care...
I will be back in a bit, need to do a few things for the family this pm
I think we should learn about propaganda techniques and employ them
Reached 800k people just today
Sienner translates directly to "see-er" as in someone who sees (useless fun fact of the day)
wasn't Weiner blind?
@Autisticated reeeeeeewewwweww please answer lol
No it translates to Seer. lol
okay - I am off - it was nice to meet you guys
I'll make a video and upload later on
we should all do something similar
any media will do
@ecce_lux thank you so much!
Okay cheers guys! Its 1 am in SA, see you soon
@Renier good night! Stay safe!
<@291311367925923841>, Welcome to South African Genocide Project I hope you enjoy your stay.
<@425068875399299083>, Welcome to South African Genocide Project I hope you enjoy your stay.
Hey guys!
<@425077325399326743>, Welcome to South African Genocide Project I hope you enjoy your stay.
@CJ, Welcome to South African Genocide Project I hope you enjoy your stay.
@The White Wolf, Welcome to South African Genocide Project I hope you enjoy your stay.
Hello all.
@Deleted User d804b027, Welcome to South African Genocide Project I hope you enjoy your stay.
Welcome good sir
@ADHD, Welcome to South African Genocide Project I hope you enjoy your stay.
*is this a kekistan server*