Message from @D'Marcus Liebowitz
Discord ID: 275103492685692929
I dunno man. Being a white shit lib isn't too far from being race realist in the PNW if you just play it patiently.
I'd say " They will NOT dissolve us"
Enoch neglected to mention Cascadia. He will be reminded of this. We will NOT be gentle.
Enoch neglected to mention Professor Ignacio Badtanman, the guy who he only interacted with once
Exactly. He requires physical punishment.
@northern_confederate great minds think alike :^)
indeed fam
Just a normal night walking into my apartment
That's San Francisco for you
Can we glass Chicago now trump is in
@c6%G why don't you show up on the userlist
im set to invis
so people dont bother me on argentina lol
good opsec
the second you become an admin/mod people never stop bugging you
its the worst
click on your name in the bottom left
How do I make these immigrants invisible?
nigga come explain about the little school kids that needed to stifle their power level
I'm making keto friendly nachos at the moment. Maybe later?
I'm 1/16 Spanish but don't worry I cut out 1/16 of my total mass and sacrificed it
nigga how the fuck you make keto friendly nachos that dont make no goddamn sense. Next you gonna tell me Michael Jackson really is Paris' father
To kek
we crushed their spirits, feels good man!
this is beautiful
what's going on with the protests?
get them feelz tbh
it's been a ride