Message from @Pepe the Impaler - DC Area
Discord ID: 277586642405949441
Seems like a huge flaw in the system
Also where the fuck were republicans while Obama EOd everything
Also, odds the cuckservatives told this guy to do it ?
Pepe the Impaler - DC Area#2218
@Pepe the Impaler - DC Area plz post
This is bullshit. The President clearly has the power to not permit entry to any class of people. Carter did it at the end of his term for all Shia Muslims and all Iranians
@GFS (national League North) im only just now getting around to listening to your wkkk mix but holy shit this is exactly what i needed right now
That's awesome man
Glad you like it
Posting nao
@GFS (national League North) I've been loving ur taste in music and ur actual music bigly
Iunno what it is it's just chill
Thanks man, makes it all worthwhile to hear that
Yee. I'm sure you've heard it but the opening to northwest imperitave sounds like it would be up ur alley
Imperium by blouse
Also just a nice fashy song if u interpret it right
WEW that old school joy div
youre not a little pleb like sven playing love will tear us apart :D
Pretty sure that judge will be over ruled
Warsaw is best JD
I'm shoah'd on Twitter new @Mc_Morna
Welp, Stoned Cold Steve Auschwitz is suspended from Twitter. I didn't even tweet at anyone. Lol thanks @Asgardian117 must have been from being associated with you. lol
well i got suspended from twitter too
They're going after us all. Hardcore
Just finished reading Days of Rage about the leftist underground during the 70s
Highly recommended
And stop getting shoahed
I dindu nuffin
literally didn't even @ anone
Don't use the Twitter app gents. It logs unique identifiers and you will get Shoahed even w a vpn and new email.
@JohnnyMonoxide did you follow anyone? when i first made twitter it forced me to add a phone after a followed a couple of our goys
I followed our guys as far as I know
yeah thatll do it
they def know which accounts are bad goys
Did you use a burner phone #?
me? yeah? i have a burner for stuff but i also dont really use twitter the way you all do
i just follow