Message from @Hand Banana
Discord ID: 283128626969313281
Johnny might be a short spaghetti nigger but her is mein spaghetti neger
Is she oneof those black jews @D'Marcus Liebowitz is always going on about?
Wow. My 7 year old just called the chat low energy.
anyone ever tell i girl that she sucks dick like a fat chick and have her not appreciate the compliment for what it is?
Guys. That's bad.
voice chat or type chat?
you moustache is low energy @Hand Banana
*shrugs* It is what it is. But I have to trust the judgment of the child. He has never lied to me before.
your hat sucks
Hmmm. This is an instance where if I reply @D'Marcus Liebowitz will take me aside and say "That was too much dude, that's not cool"
Besides, if Mass Effect Andromeda sucks balls I wanna be friends so I can grouse to someone
Because it's all Star Wars fags around here that lap up anything they're told to lap up that's "Nerd culture"
I think he is alt right. To even make these kinds of jokes and be a swede you have to be at least alt lite.
oi ken
@Campin' Carl that's the 5th time you've posted that
ye so?
i like it
Yea that's enuff
Ann Coulter is a mainstream political figure who writes for AmRen.
it looks much better than the shitty state lines you have currently
@Campin' Carl our capital wouldn't be in South Carolina
@Campin' Carl I think if the average Aussie girl looked like a fosters commercial and not a squat vietnamese I'd be ok with it. But they aren't so I'm not
m8 viets cant be australian
ok going to bed. G'night