Message from @Bero
Discord ID: 284534794392567809
so fucking funny
they say the next one will be in....fucking compton
shia is trying to get white people away from it
@wyatt lol fuckin retarded... compton?
dude the other location he is looking at is chicago
which would be fine if it was near the waterfront
What, fucking Compton
Thats great
dude i know what shia is doing
he is trying to put it in a dangerous area white people wont go to
so he can control the narrative
Chicago would be nice. I lived there for a while
Before the niggers
abos are the best nonwhites
one of our cowgoys that watched that interview thought it was a joke at first, too...I'll have to check it out tomorrow
(late to conversation, I know)
I think we should still live in towns though
@everyone Cities are more social envirnments as a result more intelectual people will prosper there who are more likley to universalize their values: you add a mixture of popularity and success and there you have the answer to your previous question
cities are also gay ground zero
ties back into the universalized values
Compton is more hispanic than black now
Also living in a small town usually requires people to actually work. You know real work
is being a theez niggaz a good thing
Crush the urbanite.
I finished listening to that @MikeEnoch and I just wanted to say, it took that asshole 9 miles on average at 70mph to get him to finish asking the question
to be fair, in Brooklyn traffic trying to get home in time for shabbat it's only 0.6 miles
For 2 hours
I started listening to that and couldn't tolerate the jew
Just finished listening to the interview. It took a few tries to get over the accent, but Enoch was great. Shut down all of the moral premises the interjewer set up for him. "Ok, lemme ask you this..."
Yeah I think it went well for Mike, without a doubt