Message from @Pepe the Impaler - DC Area
Discord ID: 289200995987226624
reallly makes ya
TFW most of London isn't British right now.
doesnt mean we dont take back london
Turks just have to be expelled back to the Central Asian steppe
ipso facto all of turkey are belonging to us
now ur gettin it
Mediterranean Supremacy
First things first, end the occupation of Cyprus by any means necessary
yeah man that one rankles me
think Greece could BTFO turkey in a war?
def not tbh
We have the most tanks in the EU
didnt know that
is everyone else just a keke
More than Austria and even Germany
They may be old
But you can still remove Kebab with em
Went postering the other night and did this
ight im goin to the gym
aesthetic mediterranean nudist bodybuilding fascist supremacy for life boys
Ζητώ Χρυσή Αυγή
And now the time has come for you, the curried jew, to be flushed out of the loo
Indians shit on the street
Disgusting people they are
@everyone come on down 2 da voice channooo nigguz
@darkslide Indians? Why not address the real problem of Muslims first?
What's the deal with huhwhite Indians anyway
>hWhite indians