Message from @Yankee
Discord ID: 289251955253968896
no wives or mothers
Beaners next door are blaring Sweet Home Alabama
💩 💯
sound pretty based to me
wearing trump hats ?
check out this beaner in a trump hat. totally based!
That video shows why individualism is cancer, specifically for women
daily reminder that if your dick is over 4.5" you're degenerate
and nonwhite
nah med supreme cocks are always above 7"
and thicc
Check out this dank shitpost in a discord server! Fucking bland!
@Pepe the Impaler - DC Area 7.5" is most ideal for pleasure based on american surveys
hehe nice
> he's not girthpilled yet
girth is always best
I have a baby dick: 18" long and 8 pounds
takes nine months to fully form
check out this dank anime guy with a cheese name! fucking weebs!
why are u muh dck meming me man
healthy masculine energies flowin here and u gotta call us niggers
(Grabs dick)
god i hate the fucking french
makes ya
growers not showers tbh
best of both worlds
Med Supremacy reaffirmed tbh