Message from @Adrien Arcand
Discord ID: 289980939000348673
Why is no one in voice
Someone come in voice
Damn, dead af tonight
This triggered me hard
A Jew telling his nearly all-white audience that if they're struggling to pay their bills then they have no right making more children. It's these subtle forms of subverision, these false opposition outfits, that are most dangerous to our people. I hope Lauren Southern's leaving leads to the complete collapse of Rebel Media
Typical tricks - exploiting white people's sense of responsbility and agency to convince them to put off having more kids. His line of reasoning would never work on blacks or hispanics. Video is obviously directed at white goyim.
well we don't get gibs from the government for being poor with a brood of children like they do
The soul
is the most important thing
lol @gusphase that gif is an all-time favorite
does that make the chans a deep-state within a deep-state?
rogue weeb CIA agents
jew eyes
those kikeing eyes
<<<<<<<<<blonde QTs in wheat fields.
>getting bullycided by your kids.