Message from @northern_confederate
Discord ID: 291764615883390988
sydney is worse than melbourne
and sydney is the most iconic australian city
maybe your country is just a pile of shit
even more poz than america
melbourne is where all the poz and lebs are
melbourne is where all the faggots and gooks and hookers are
sydney rather
the gooks are fucking buying it all up
melbourne does have the lebs and sudanese
m8 sydney hosts the fashboat
i think we are gonna need to fucking annihilate the chinese in the next 10 years
we can't let them get a navy
fuck yeah fuckin oath
and carriers
smash the chinaman with your fists
i hate the fucking chinese so much
@northern_confederate hey convo
and some people laugh at me and say "how are they are problem? look at our navy" peoplle dont know how much shit they have boughten, land everywhere
mining all over the world
brb phone
Dave from New York is a national treasure
who can tell the difference
ones a .303
ones a .30-06
ones .303 british the others 7.92x57mm
fucking idiot caerulus
shit Caerulus you just got fucked up by someone Jazzhands called a fag
I can tell! The top one is czech and I wanna build one. The botton is brit and I wanna build one. I think barrels for both are unobtainium