Message from @Adrien Arcand
Discord ID: 292168943429222400
Turks tried to convince me the other day muslims are peaceful and we evil fascists are mean.
pranked meaning?
They nonironically believed that
Called me a fascist infidel, i replied with, yeah? so what?
A lot to put on one poster
Don't misracialize
We are Jews, not white
funded by the ADL
The problem is Jews need a color. What color should we refer to Jews as?
@Ardent Rain hello fellow wop friend
Hotep does sound like a black name
Hotep sounds like tyrones mixtape
@Adrien Arcand All Wops shall overtake them one day
"HOPE" as in "shut your eyes, hold your hands over your ears and just pretend that everything is okay"
These people dont even know what hate is
Gert Wilders policies were very leftists APART from his anti islam stance
We are the master race
It's unbelievable that these people don't understand that they can't be degenerate fucks in a society dominated by muslims
@Hard Truth thats why i refer to jews as grey when it comes to colour.
It will be in the middle of the outback
Kosher pickles?
I hate strawberry lemonade
It's a mockery of real lemonade
I sometimes wonder