Message from @InsaneCaterpilla

Discord ID: 534850739894222869

2019-01-11 01:12:27 UTC  

@ChitwnRogue Yep. If you're in Canada the fathers-resources folks from Toronto seem to be pretty good given their involvement in an in-progress documentary

2019-01-11 01:13:02 UTC  

But this discord specifically is still trying to gather resources to help people in that way.

2019-01-11 10:59:35 UTC  

@asparkofpyrokravte Absolutely. If possible, I'd like to have an actual volunteer legal team in here supporting people with their cases.

2019-01-15 19:08:51 UTC  

hey all, appreciate the help. i'm feeling overwhelmed. i've tried to read up and watch any videos regarding dissolution/divorce. i feel like i know a lot more than i initially did but still not sure what to do at this point.

2019-01-15 19:09:48 UTC  

Hey amn, I men's I've done nowt, I've just joined. But I feel so happy that these people have helped u through ur tough times. Stay strong

2019-01-15 19:16:28 UTC  

i've read as much as i could from the men's rights subreddit and mentioned to one established divorce attorney (38 yrs experience) how the family court is biased against men. he denies that is the case. is it not in any attorney's best interest to agree that the system is stacked vs men?

2019-01-15 19:17:05 UTC  

Exactly, to change the problem u have to notice it first

2019-01-15 19:17:43 UTC  

hey @IsmELlyOuJoHN , thanks, i just started educating myself and am new here too

2019-01-15 19:18:17 UTC  

Np man I've literally done nowt just admired how the movement has helped people so fad

2019-01-15 19:20:35 UTC  

i'm looking into the possiblility of free legal aid since i qualify as low income, anyone have success goiing this route? or is it very much you get what you pay for? i can't even afford these high retainer fees

2019-01-15 19:22:00 UTC  

i almost felt like giving up today b/c i saw my ex today and thought maybe we can talk this out without getting expensive lawyers involved, like work out dissolution or something

2019-01-15 19:22:19 UTC  

And how did it go

2019-01-15 19:23:25 UTC  

well i was advised not to speak to her so i avoided communicating with her at all

2019-01-15 19:23:41 UTC  

That makes some sense

2019-01-15 19:25:06 UTC  

i mean thats what all the attorneys suggested to me during free consultation, but isnt it in their best interest to avoid having me resolve this with my stbx without their aid?

2019-01-15 19:39:27 UTC  

ok well i must have been misinformed by someone at the municipal courthouse. i was told i can get legal aid due to low income but after calling around i'm being told there's no such service and i'll be lucky to obtain a divorce attorney pro bono

2019-01-15 19:40:36 UTC  

these last two months have been a nightmare.

2019-01-15 21:37:26 UTC  


2019-01-15 21:38:18 UTC  

Oof sorry that's a uk link, I even included -uk in the search terms grr

2019-01-15 21:45:31 UTC  

@ChitwnRogue have you tried this site for legal aid info?

2019-01-15 21:45:53 UTC  

If it helps at all or not please let me know

2019-01-16 20:28:09 UTC  

Whats the divorce channel for?

2019-01-16 20:28:35 UTC  

People who need help navigating their way through tricky divorces methinks

2019-01-16 20:28:55 UTC  

Ah, gotcha

2019-01-16 20:29:07 UTC  

A common problem for men in the judicial system is high alimony so this is to help this I guess

2019-01-16 20:29:25 UTC  

Lmao fair enough

2019-01-17 09:52:32 UTC  

It's good for anyone in a divorce who just wants to let off steam too.

2019-01-17 17:05:52 UTC  

@InsaneCaterpilla I was recommended that site, just haven't gotten around to it. But thanks all the same.

2019-01-17 17:10:59 UTC  

I'm looking into borrowing money to get at least a decent attorney since I keep reading you get what you pay for and not to do it on your own.

2019-01-17 17:12:30 UTC  

Does $2000 and $250/hr sound reasonable for an established attorney? 38 yrs experience

2019-01-17 18:35:15 UTC  

I've found that $2,500 and $175 is a lowball in my area.

2019-01-17 21:51:22 UTC  

Ya, it is low but maybe I found an honest lawyer (if there is such a thing) and he seems to think my case is straightforward. Plus he actually charges $300 but he said I'd be mostly working with an associate (less experience) for $250.

2019-01-18 12:07:17 UTC  

If it's a trustworthy firm, then good. If the divorce is straightforward (no major assets or dissention about 401ks and the like, no children, both want the same thing) then yeah try to spend as little.

2019-01-18 12:08:07 UTC  

Prep as much as possible though to save yourself even more. Hear court proceedings in your spare time and learn the motions you can file, brush up on the law and history of the law where applicable

2019-01-18 12:09:11 UTC  

For Eavesdropping (where I'm being tried criminally, despite this being a civil affair) I researched simpson v simpson and the court ruling about what is allowed into evidence, what was overturned, why, and what cases used it as a basis for further decisions, and when

2019-01-18 14:18:41 UTC  

will eavesdropping have any effect on your divorce? @Dan da Dad

2019-01-18 14:43:49 UTC  

Hey thanks for all the great advice @Dan da Dad , i been pretty much doing this all on my own. I been researching non-stop, some of the info appears to contradict or confuse me, so ya i think i need to hire an attorney who knows the local intricacies of famiily law.

2019-01-18 14:45:39 UTC  

And also thank you mods for putting this place together and the sub if you did that as well. I felt totally isolated and lost and you know all the emotions that come with separating. So i really appreciate having a community like this.

2019-01-18 15:09:32 UTC  

It has already, as it is considered Domestic Violence, and forced me to stay away from the home and given her control of the contact I've had with my kids (none)

2019-01-18 15:13:09 UTC  

Also, by keeping me at length, she was able to steal money from me and I was nto allowed to retaliate

2019-01-18 15:13:14 UTC  

Damn man, I’m sorry to hear that, my heart goes out to you, it must be terrible or seeing your kids