Message from @Kaiser Dishelm
Discord ID: 293554383344631811
and they complain constantly about all of their issues but are completely unwilling to change at all
and seek out a true path to fulfill their own goals
You can't change everyone, just work on one at a time.
That's why they need a paternal state authority to tell them that's not okay.
Well, will they rebel?
No they're sheep
Is the state saying no, enough?
It's more than saying, let's put it that way. It also involves the education system, so we can indoctrinate the youth.
I post alt right shit on college campuses all the time
Im still waiting on pittsburgh post gazette to cover it
LOL, write the article yourself. Then submit it.
kek thats a good idea
At the least you could put it on Craigslist and make it viral.
we should start doing that
write faux outrage articles to get our IRL shitposting attention.
would be pretty kek
mfw I see a faggot on the street
Must be nice
@badtanman as I was biking home I imagined being in Rhode Island and you and me driving up to a pool party with Sam Hyde there and pretending we didnt know who he was and that we were big deals because we went on a famous and influential show known as bongo bongo
so depressing, it's still easy to find 75% here
what the fuck
oh i'm famous too by that logic then
when were you on bongo
its never too late goy
or maybe it is
Varg has officially gone full meme
This is a public service announcement
if you have a friend that is addicted to Fash the Nation
reach out to them now
they may be reverting back to moly videos
friends dont let friends eat bluepills