Message from @Caerulus_Rex
Discord ID: 296864292035362826
Thank you!!
Of course fam
Yeah that Boomer one is great
i must have disconnected from chat
I loathe Boomers my father in law is the epitome
I cuck him every chance I get
If he was aware of what I did he may call child services
Here's how Bernie can still win: become french and change name to Bernier
boomers are the worst
hey really are
if they were a minority they would be my least favorite minority besides juice
Converse later
That's funny af
the boomerposting fb group is the funniest thing I've seen in a while.
F for the bar
did they kick you out after you walked in? or did they not even let you in?
@Caerulus_Rex over the shitlib incident
It's like in castaway when the guy finally gets separated from wilson, and only then could he truly get away from the island
I don't give a flying fuck
time to start a nazi bar
Fuck these kikes
or stop drinking and become a leader of a temperance movement.
The kikes took grad school away from me, now they took away my favorite bar.
I wasn't even drunk
what was their reasoning?
The bouncer was like "you get drunk and start saying rhetoric that makes some people uncomfortable"
I started laughing