Message from @Beauregard
Discord ID: 301528203716067328
Black and brown child births go down similarily with whites in first world countries. White countries would be just fine without the immigration we've gone under
Have shit tons of kids
make them nazis
make them fight
the battle isnt gonna happen in our lifetimes
we have to have kids, and try to fight back with as much policy as we can
Rep. Ron Paul has a problem with the idea of a U.S. border fence.
“The people that want big fences and guns, sure, we could secure the border,” the congressman noted. “A barbed wire fence with machine guns, that would do the trick. I don’t believe that is what America is all about.”
“Every time you think about this toughness on the border and ID cards and REAL IDs, think it’s a penalty against the American people too. I think this fence business is designed and may well be used against us and keep us in. In economic turmoil, the people want to leave with their capital and there’s capital controls and there’s people controls. Every time you think about the fence, think about the fences being used against us, keeping us in.”
Ron Paul is LOLbertarian
He's still alive?
I mean he isnt wrong
But I dont care
Fucking keep non whites out
From the article @YUGE sent: "While funding for the massive infrastructure project is still not set"
I wouldn't flee to Mexico if SHTF
I'm aware, there is funding in the existing budget for the wall
inside the DHS budget
That's only been rumor, no proof
portions of the wall were budgeted in 2006, if i understand correctly these can be built regardless of what cucks in congress do immediately
I never for a moment actually expected a wall.
@Beauregard damn it
⬛ 💊
if there's no wall I'm writing in Breivik 2020
Hello fellow goyim.
Whats up
He didn't gas his own people... Spicer with the Jewish word games against the JEws lol
I'm prolly gonna join Masons at some point.
Masonry is Jewry
says the Catholic
I like that idea a lot
Hijacking parties and taking their money basically
Everything is Jewry
Most Judges run unopposed
@bainbjorn Masonry is older than 1776
We need to meme behind a democtric nationalist party
And Adam Weishaupt only did so much before everyone found out his plan.