Message from @Ronny TX
Discord ID: 301562547528794112
I quit
I'm opting out. This shits too far gone
@BershaeS you cant be the niggas for life crew with a white jew telling you what to do.
Saw this at the holocaust museum the other day. Based nazi sword cutting the Jew into pieces. It's signed "schlomo swindler 14"
It was mentioned in a recent shoah
Did you make it to the DC protest?
Yes sir
Good man.
Fuck y'all
I hope that at least happens.
If anywhere needs it
sweet--all my old school friends will cry
carelus I cant hear u
Hahahaha commiefornians btfo
Kek smiles as he strikes fear in the commie.
They probably have so many tunnels there already
Probably have tunnels in the basements of their spic shops there
it's from meinkraft
Assad did nothing wrong