Message from @MamaLana Sourdough

Discord ID: 505644791078584321

2018-10-19 10:34:09 UTC  

Vaping breaks it down to vapors which allow further penetration into your system. Just my opinion but I definitely don’t want my child around someone vaping just because it appears to be less smokey than a stinky cigarette.

2018-10-22 06:42:09 UTC  

I am not quite sure where this belongs. It seems to hit on a few areas; health technologies, suppression of information...

2018-10-22 07:23:23 UTC  

@MamaLana Sourdough I don't condone underage smoking, vaping, drinking, or drug use. I've done a lot of research on vaping, I'm able to debunk any biased study that's funded by big cigarette companies backed with the real facts about vaping.

2018-10-25 06:26:05 UTC  

@Gambit Mutant it was at a Catholic funded shelter for pregnant women (homeless, or ex cons/rehab). It was classes they did for the women to educate them on the health hazards of smoking cigarettes in particular and vaping was included in it. From a biological/physiological perspective, I cannot find anything that would indicate that vaping is safe.

2018-10-26 02:22:51 UTC  

@MamaLana Sourdough Vaping is the much safer option compared to cigs that's for damn sure. The UK government and UK doctors encourage smokers to switch to vaping as the 95% safer option because their government accepts the non biased research studies... meanwhile in the US, the gov doesn't accept those studies because there's too much tax revenue in cigarettes. They were most likely taught misinformation about vaping at that Catholic funded shelter, biased studies that are funded by big cigarette companies. Examples include popcorn lung, which was blamed on diacetyl. the harvard study proved diacetyl was present in e liquid, but never actually linked it to popcorn lung.

2018-10-26 02:23:01 UTC  

@MamaLana Sourdough Plus diacetyl has been banned in all e liquids in the US. And there's over 700 times more diacetyl in a cigarette than youll find in any e liquid... so why aren't the cig smokers getting popcorn lung? That same biased study claimed formaldehyde was present when vaping... but to get formaldehyde they had to super heat the cotton while dry hitting the cotton after all the e liquid was vaped up. I vape at around 105-115 watts, even 200 watts is too hot for me, but that biased study vaped at 500-700 watts and completely changed the molecular structure of the e liquid. So no, you don't get formaldehyde from vaping. "Toxic metal found in vaping" is another biased study... you should be concerned with the air you breathe or second smoke from a cigarette. the average person takes 17,000 breaths a day, the average vaper takes 300-400 vape hits a day, but the biased study took it as though a person is vaping for 17,000 breaths a day. A vaper would have to vape over 100 ml of e liquid in a day to even reach the legal toxic metals limit, even a heavy vaper is only going through 20-25 ml a day, nowhere near the legal limit. Usually vapers are known to vape less, around 10-15 ml a day. So no, you don't inhale toxic metals when vaping, it's a very misleading biased study funded by big cig companies. There are other examples as well such as wet lung from vaping... but your body is able to handle water in the lungs and get it out, you inhale more water from taking a shower than from an entire day of vaping. water on lung conditions cannot be caused by vaping. There are other examples and I told you i can debunk the biased vape studies, I've done a lot of research on vaping.

2018-10-26 02:29:20 UTC  

@MamaLana Sourdough "e liquid is in anti freeze" is misleading. e liquid is made up of only 4 ingredients, vegetable glycerin, propelyne glycol, nicotine, and natural & artificial flavoring. Vegetable glycerin is well known to be safe for human consumption, it's used is many dental and hospital products, it keeps frozen foods fresh, it's even in your toothpaste, and 70-80% of e liquid is "VG". "PG" its toxic cousin is used in toxic antifreeze, but PG is used in non toxic anti freeze and is safe for human consumption, non toxic, 20-30% of e liquid is PG. It's one of the ingredients in non toxic anti freeze that makes it so it won't kill someone or something if accidentally drank.

2018-10-26 06:29:56 UTC  

@Gambit Mutant there’s no glycerin in my toothpaste 😎 my point isn’t about the scare tactics of the cigarette industry or of our government. My point is that neither is healthy, PERIOD. Obviously statistics used correctly can skew results and perception of reality. That shelter wasn’t advocating for either - they were against BOTH cigarette smoking and vaping.

2018-10-26 06:52:08 UTC  

actually "PG" is the key ingredient that makes it 'anti-freeze'

2018-10-26 06:52:29 UTC  

it's naturally found in buttercup flowers

2018-10-26 06:54:08 UTC  

a zero power option to vaping is water based pump spray and a nicorette tablet soaking in it

2018-10-26 06:55:02 UTC  

i've taken apart those vap units and rebuilt them, that resonator doesn't resonate, it doesn't even behave like an actual resonator, it's a heater, nothing more

2018-10-26 06:55:54 UTC  

piezo electric elements 'resonate' when power is applied to them...with no heating

2018-10-26 06:56:13 UTC  

they're crystal based

2018-10-26 06:57:17 UTC  

and no cleaning or replacing of the crystal resonator is needed since it vapes pure so nothing sticks to it

2018-10-26 10:54:16 UTC  

@MamaLana Sourdough and I'm wondering just what that shelter was saying about vaping is the thing. And yes, there actually is some vegetable glycerin in most toothpastes. And @SirW00f , maybe you don't agree with my source but... "In general, glycols are non-corrosive, have very low volatility and very low toxicity; however, the closely related ethylene glycol (a key ingredient in antifreeze) is toxic to humans and to many animals." ethylene glycol is in toxic anti freeze.

2018-10-26 10:54:32 UTC  

PG's toxic cousin, PG is non toxic and in non toxic anti freeze

2018-10-26 11:07:33 UTC  

Colgate and Crest toothpaste both have VG and PG both in them

2018-10-26 20:24:31 UTC  

That’s y I make my own w/ green clay, big soda& peppermint oil.

2018-10-27 07:31:52 UTC  

@Gambit Mutant Colgate and Crest are really unhealthy. Colgate was one of the first brands that I remember using Triclosan...a known carcinogen. When I was still not completely natural in my product choice and using Colgate, I noticed that whenever I brushed that I was spitting out pieces of skin! I sometimes use Young Living toothpaste (I rep for them), but typically I just use salt, and sometimes I make my own like @thedametruth

2018-10-28 10:54:38 UTC  

@MamaLana Sourdough ... young living toothpaste uses vegetable glycerin (VG) because it's proven to be safe for humans. "Ingredients
Water, Calcium carbonate, Cocos nucifera (Coconut) oil, Sodium bicarbonate, Glycerin (Vegetable), Xylitol, Xanthum gum, Mentha piperita† (Peppermint) oil, Mentha spicata† (Spearmint) leaf oil, Eugenia caryophyllus (Clove) bud oil, Ocotea quixos† (Ocotea) leaf oil, Cinnamomum verum† (Cinnamon) Bark oil, Citrus limon† (Lemon) peel oil, Eucalyptus Radiata† leaf oil, Rosmarinus officinalis† (Rosemary) leaf oil, Stevia rebaudiana leaf extract, Lecithin (Sunflower)."

2018-10-28 21:18:26 UTC  
2018-10-29 02:08:56 UTC  

Anybody have any experience/knowledge re: Patriot Power Greens?

2018-10-29 02:13:35 UTC  

The marketing angle looks hoakey, but thinking about giving it a go. Thoughts, anyone?

2018-10-29 07:34:42 UTC  

@Relic 1776 those look like typical paid opinion reviews. And the name looks to be a scam going after your background. Know the sources well and always check/double check multiple sources - perhaps for other product reviews. I would NOT trust that one posted above as it’s intended to get you to BUY.

2018-10-29 07:41:01 UTC  

Yes, @Gambit Mutant I’m aware of that. It’s not what you were talking about. Also, we rarely use it due to VG being possibly sourced from soy and there are allergies to soy in our family (even though VG is deemed safe). Not sure what point you’re trying to make anymore.

2018-10-30 03:04:08 UTC  

Thanks MamaLana. There IS a very strong BUY Buy vibe. Very strong sales push on the website

2018-10-30 03:06:30 UTC  

Ima continue to look into it though

2018-10-30 03:07:17 UTC  

No negative reviews found so far

2018-10-30 03:12:51 UTC  

As to toothpaste, we are liking "kiss my face" flouride free triple action.

2018-10-30 09:53:24 UTC  

@MamaLana Sourdough because VG is what makes up 70-80% of vape juice / e liquid. You were very vague about why that shelter says vaping is bad, so I have no idea what they're telling these people at the shelter about vaping. There's also a difference between food grade VG and medical grade VG... medical grade VG is synthetic and is the highest quality VG there is, and doesn't cause allergic reactions like food grade VG that contains soy can.

2018-10-30 10:01:07 UTC  

I was just trying to prove to you that vaping is the safer option when compared to cigarettes.

2018-10-30 10:02:42 UTC  

It's also because you laughed and said there's no glycerin in your toothpaste, when in fact there is.

2018-10-30 12:01:21 UTC  

home grown tobacco is safer than either

2018-10-30 12:01:28 UTC  

no pesticides

2018-11-01 10:39:06 UTC  

btw, all tobacco products have been sweetened for decades from the same plant

2018-11-01 10:40:44 UTC  

the tobacco u think is real 100% isn''s like 20% tobacco most of them, and the rest is natural licorice fiber...high source of vg