Message from @Erika
Discord ID: 302971847908130816
a whole bunch of fake stuff
like the jew bomb threats
that were called in by the israelis
and the tombstone thing that was just a result of lack of maintenance/general aging as declared by the police
@queenarchitect GET IN CHAT BB
only if my boo asks
how much is it worth to you @Convo
you don't just take a bluepill after you are wn
@queenarchitect wow
The ovens just got 60million bigger.
Slavs are russian from Moscow ?St petersburg
Polls are German Teir, they are equal to Duth /Germans, ie marginally superior o Anglos
Gypos are not European
a literal example of the corrosive power of the international jewry
@Erika Still cant read it can you post direct link
>twinks for trump
>Lauren Southern orbiters
that might be the most accurate line on there
>the narrative.
Lgbt alliance hahahahahahaha
Gavin btfo
gas gavin
>youre not a twink for trump
kys straight nigger
who was obese negro where spencer was
Darrel Lamont Jenkins.
Or however you spell it
Thr wokest george soros puppet.
He's so annoying. I hope he shows up in Auburn
wait he was the one wearing weird shorts?
Idk. I only saw how fat he is
Darrel is always there