Message from @Clitzkrieg

Discord ID: 683625134958968842

2020-03-01 05:59:07 UTC  

if we survive

2020-03-01 05:59:33 UTC  

who agrees to sail to china and kill some commies

2020-03-01 06:04:41 UTC  


2020-03-01 06:19:56 UTC  

Get some fire bombs

2020-03-01 08:08:30 UTC  

About done prepping, I have about 8 months of food now. I also have gas, a generator and a new shotgun. Gonna buy ammo tomorrow.

2020-03-01 08:35:27 UTC  

gonna try to prep but probably hide it from family

2020-03-01 08:36:52 UTC  

I've got limited funds, but gonna do what I can

2020-03-01 08:45:49 UTC  

Goggles that will mix with respirator at some point

2020-03-01 09:21:44 UTC

2020-03-01 09:27:03 UTC  

>tfw want to make at least minor preparations but my parents would throw anything I get out and monitor everything I buy

2020-03-01 09:37:01 UTC

2020-03-01 09:37:48 UTC  

i updated the safety guide we made a while back @keknomancer

2020-03-01 10:32:49 UTC  

Yeet, I'm also basically hiding the prepping from my family but we're stocked up on food, water won't most likely go out and if it did we have a rain barrel. The pickled stuff in the cellar and other stuff in the freezer can last us a month and we have a garden with a spinach infestation, that spinach only could feed us for another month. We also have an almond tree and a few pine trees for Vitamin C

2020-03-01 10:33:33 UTC  

There are cornfields nearby do I'm definitely planning on going stealing as much as possible this summer

2020-03-01 10:33:46 UTC  

Also gonna try pickle some

2020-03-01 10:35:53 UTC  

@Bot. why the fuck would they do that? Oh look, our child bought himself a gas mask, let's throw that shit out

2020-03-01 10:37:48 UTC  

because my dad is peak neoliberal and believes literally everything he sees on TV, and if I believe anything different then I've "fallen for insane far right conspiracies" and shit

2020-03-01 10:39:44 UTC  

Jeez, how old are you?

2020-03-01 10:40:57 UTC  


2020-03-01 10:41:40 UTC  

3 more months and then hopefully I'm free to hopefully go and live in Namibia

2020-03-01 10:42:13 UTC  

God, he doesn't trust you at all

2020-03-01 10:43:07 UTC  

well the weird thing is is that he trusts me to keep on top of my grades, drive, manage my money, etc it's only my political views he's super controlling on

2020-03-01 10:43:29 UTC  

bascially, he's putting full confidence in me not to fuck up my life but god forbid I form my own opinion

2020-03-01 10:45:23 UTC

2020-03-01 10:47:11 UTC  

It's why you should shit on your parents bed and shit before you leave for nambia

2020-03-01 10:48:32 UTC  

well I'm not 100% dead set on Namibia, Botswana is also a good candidate. I'm all set to really go anywhere in Africa though, just a high school degree and a decent amount of savings will take you far

2020-03-01 10:49:22 UTC  

Come to me to Czech republic

2020-03-01 10:49:30 UTC  

@Bot. im 17 aswell, im 18 on may third

2020-03-01 10:49:46 UTC  

ngl chief, I'm fed up with the first world so I'm not comin to the Czech republic

2020-03-01 10:49:58 UTC  

>first world

2020-03-01 10:50:20 UTC  

We're literally the ghetto of middle Europe

2020-03-01 10:50:22 UTC  

im actualy planing to travel to the tschechoslowakai

2020-03-01 10:50:30 UTC  

bruh no you're not that's Slovakia

2020-03-01 10:50:31 UTC  

when things real go upside down

2020-03-01 10:51:12 UTC  

Nah, we're the ghetto and Slovakia is the ghetto of the ghetto

2020-03-01 10:51:27 UTC  

The designated shitting street of our land

2020-03-01 10:51:42 UTC  


2020-03-01 10:52:07 UTC  

i always say czechoslovakia because it just sounds right that way

2020-03-01 10:52:11 UTC  

I would like to visit the Czech republic

2020-03-01 10:52:34 UTC  

bot are you kraut

2020-03-01 10:52:36 UTC  

I've only been to Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and Austria