Message from @W A T E R

Discord ID: 655087234331967536

2019-12-12 02:08:50 UTC  

I mean

2019-12-12 02:08:55 UTC  

Muslims can make bombs

2019-12-12 02:09:09 UTC  

All niggers can do is make lean and shoot a pistol sideways

2019-12-12 02:09:11 UTC  

ooga boogas cant make wheels

2019-12-12 02:09:24 UTC  

Nigs mostly fight amongst themselves making them less dangerous than mussies

2019-12-12 02:11:19 UTC  

my country has to receive "refugees" under EU law and a considerable amount of muslims here do work and set up businesses but most ooga boogas don't

2019-12-12 02:12:47 UTC  

so i personally would rather receive people who can do work and not just leech off welfare

2019-12-12 02:19:28 UTC  

at least, there's that

2019-12-12 10:50:37 UTC  

>indians drink cow urine to cure all diseases

Wow they sure seem like a healthy disease free people, guess the tapeworms cure obesity too...

2019-12-12 13:15:02 UTC

2019-12-12 13:16:10 UTC  


2019-12-12 13:46:04 UTC  


2019-12-13 13:06:03 UTC

2019-12-13 16:21:22 UTC  

This nigga sounding like when the T-1000 got melted in the steelworks

2019-12-13 16:22:05 UTC  

bruh what the fuck

2019-12-13 16:22:09 UTC  

are they burning a skinwalker

2019-12-13 16:23:09 UTC  

Nah just a burner anomaly

2019-12-13 16:23:17 UTC  

Such is life in the zone <:ayylmao:519285300812447774>

2019-12-13 16:42:47 UTC  

But reel tawk I don't think a skinwalker would sound so metallic if it was screaming

2019-12-13 16:43:22 UTC  

you say that, but

2019-12-13 16:43:28 UTC  

that sounds a lot like screaming

2019-12-13 16:45:28 UTC  

Yeah it does sound like screaming but it also has a very metallic quality to it which is why i brought up the T-1000s' death in T2

2019-12-13 16:46:03 UTC  

animals can sound like that

2019-12-13 16:47:00 UTC  

Never heard an animal like that tho

2019-12-13 16:47:49 UTC  

But I honestly don't have a clue what's making the metallic screeching in the video

2019-12-13 16:48:01 UTC  

So yeah skinwalker is as good a guess as any

2019-12-13 16:49:35 UTC  

It must be something more mundane tho because before the screeching starts the russian dude sound pretty casual in the tone of their speech

2019-12-13 17:03:43 UTC  

its russia lol

2019-12-13 17:36:13 UTC  

looks like burning pigs to stop disease spread

2019-12-13 19:24:48 UTC  

Oh shit

2019-12-13 19:24:59 UTC  

Now i remember that chinese video of the pigs in a pit

2019-12-13 19:25:10 UTC  


2019-12-14 11:33:18 UTC  

That's just Satan ripping ass from Hell

2019-12-14 13:32:22 UTC

2019-12-14 13:45:30 UTC  


2019-12-14 17:01:35 UTC  


2019-12-14 21:44:00 UTC