Message from @Some Polish-Hungarian Guy
Discord ID: 610689783236395008
Once you realise people grow distant and move on, you have no choice but to break out of your comfort zone in order to survive and be social
Wether you like it or not
And you also need to cut off the people doing damage to you as well
I've decided to do that with my cousin after finding out how they've been treating one of my friends
It you keep hanging around negative people, you'll start to absorb their personalities
If you try to act like them, people who don't know you wouldn't like you
Like they say, first impressions are everything
@Coal whether its a shitposting discord server or real life or anywhere, if you force yourself to fit in you're going to want to kill yourself in no time
Thank you for all that
im sorry for my stupid shit
It's fine, just be more assertive when dealing with manipulative tards
noones manipulating me anymore
I called those assholes out and they fucked off
Just be yourself.
Fucking niggerbulls
Yes. Fuck them.
poor George
George is the purest boy
Kill all shitbulls
pit bulls are definitely dangerous and i think they should be bred out of existence but it really does depend on how you raise them and the age of the dog. a lot of the attacks you see are only dangerous because of the size of the dog and the exaggerated predatory features of a pit bull
when most dogs playfully bite you its nothing but a pit bull exerting the same force would be dangerous
also, the younger dogs dont have as much world experience and dont know how they should behave yet. most of the pitbulls people i know have owned were very boisterous and would just up on you but wouldnt hurt a fly honestly. you jusy have to raise them right. with that in mind they defintely still are a dnager because of their natural predisposition towards violence
they should be bred out over time
@Coal pitbull talk you here fam
Based eugenics
based pitbull-slayer
Little wholesomeness
Itβs good to have some wholesomeness
He should do one on like mister Rodgers next