Message from @nnqlnc
Discord ID: 610647835414888478
You just need to chill in general
Just be yourself
Dude fuck trying to fit in
that shit is gay
What I'm trying to say is just do you and stick to your guns
If you always try to fit in, then you never will
Fitting in is gay
There's a reason why there's only one coal
Because you're unique
It's why somany people our age are miserable now a days
They're trying to fit in with a certain, look/ style they have no idea how to act once they're no longer in school
Templar did it
Look at him
Once you realise people grow distant and move on, you have no choice but to break out of your comfort zone in order to survive and be social
Wether you like it or not
And you also need to cut off the people doing damage to you as well
I've decided to do that with my cousin after finding out how they've been treating one of my friends
It you keep hanging around negative people, you'll start to absorb their personalities
If you try to act like them, people who don't know you wouldn't like you
Like they say, first impressions are everything
@Coal whether its a shitposting discord server or real life or anywhere, if you force yourself to fit in you're going to want to kill yourself in no time
Thank you for all that
im sorry for my stupid shit
It's fine, just be more assertive when dealing with manipulative tards
noones manipulating me anymore
I called those assholes out and they fucked off
Just be yourself.
Fucking niggerbulls
Yes. Fuck them.
poor George
*We do not deserve dogs*
George is the purest boy
Kill all shitbulls