Message from @Sleepy

Discord ID: 657808646029443072

2019-12-21 04:46:21 UTC  

I built myself up I thought, but coming back around—all those foundations came crumbling down

I don’t know what to do with myself. I suppose I was better off gone, when there was no them to lose

2019-12-21 04:46:40 UTC  

I dunno man

2019-12-21 04:46:47 UTC  

my mom's side of the family pisses me off though

2019-12-21 04:46:48 UTC  

as you get older you get more used to loss

2019-12-21 04:46:54 UTC  


2019-12-21 04:46:55 UTC  

doesn't make it good

2019-12-21 04:46:59 UTC  

you just get more used to it

2019-12-21 04:47:09 UTC  

being in the military will get you well acquainted to that

2019-12-21 04:47:26 UTC  

I know the feeling far too well

2019-12-21 04:47:37 UTC  

Now that I think about it, I've only known my mother's side of the family.

2019-12-21 04:49:27 UTC  

the foundation crumbling, how many times have you dealt with that?

2019-12-21 04:51:42 UTC  

nvm, re-reading that it sounds more of a social thing than ideological

2019-12-21 04:52:55 UTC  

most people tend to associate with those that they do because it's easy. is really the root of it. whoever is at hand that causes less friction. the next layer is usually shared interest or identity.

2019-12-21 04:53:53 UTC  

like, I have the groups I go to, and then I have my group

2019-12-21 04:54:22 UTC  

and the people in that group are the people i've run into who are just A++

2019-12-21 04:54:28 UTC  

for whatever reason

2019-12-21 04:54:31 UTC  

I don't have any irl friends

2019-12-21 04:54:48 UTC  

my friends in the army fucked me over

2019-12-21 04:54:54 UTC  

it's hard when your time gets pinned like that too

2019-12-21 04:56:21 UTC  

the ones I have mostly just fell into toe same group in high school. handful of people from different grades. most went off to do their thing, but about 6 of us stuck

2019-12-21 04:56:42 UTC  

then i merged that group with the group of friends i made in college

2019-12-21 04:56:53 UTC  

I only have internet friends

2019-12-21 04:57:10 UTC  

and any of those guys can bring people in as long as they're not sketch

2019-12-21 04:57:18 UTC  

i mostly do too these days^

2019-12-21 04:57:25 UTC  

almost all of them are in different states

2019-12-21 04:57:35 UTC  

have one of them about 5 minutes away though

2019-12-21 04:57:36 UTC  

I typically have bad feelings about most people I meet irl

2019-12-21 04:57:44 UTC  

normally, I end up being right about them

2019-12-21 04:57:52 UTC  

it sucks

2019-12-21 04:58:20 UTC  

you're always told to give people a chance, but most of the time they don't deserve it

2019-12-21 04:58:34 UTC  

and the ones who do need that chance, most people just miss it and think they're shit

2019-12-21 04:58:35 UTC  

most don't even give me a fucking chance

2019-12-21 04:59:11 UTC  

the social evaluation game is in a really fucked state

2019-12-21 04:59:26 UTC  

I'm too fucked to socialize, tbh

2019-12-21 04:59:44 UTC  

i can't even maintain eye contact ffs

2019-12-21 04:59:48 UTC  

almost all of the things we're told are "good signs" are things shitty people go out of their way to try really hard to express

2019-12-21 04:59:55 UTC  

i have a hard time too^

2019-12-21 04:59:58 UTC  

i see too much

2019-12-21 05:00:17 UTC  

i don't want to just look right through someone's soul at a glance

2019-12-21 05:00:31 UTC  

i don't need that shit ten times a day every day

2019-12-21 05:00:55 UTC  

I have a hard time looking into someone's eyes, because I feel they're just reading my thoughts, or just looking through me