Message from @Higura
Discord ID: 618406153344385055
lol oof
but there are cute asianoids
dat paste?
You mean plastic faced ones or the ones who tape back their faces and apply heavy amounts of whitening cream?
They basically admitted that White Europid women look better by doing so since they try to make themselves look part Europid.
I'm not enough of a weeb to know such things, but there's a lot of different ethnic groups in asia. Some are much more aesthetically pleasing than others.
Ok Kyle
*sips on monster*
Now this, this is music *sip*
Hell yeah
Stupid nazis, they never had anything good, they were so stoopid. Shut it down goy
Its not like great majority of nazi scientists were taken back to america to work for them after the war or anything
kraut space magic
Someone make this a emote
Put it in <#558015693757480971>
Ok. My dudes
Is that an actual warning? Are you fucking serious? Is this for real?
4chan is being normielized
I remember reading somewhere in the rules that the only place you can use racial slurs is /b/
Not sure tho
WiFi- a tumor, someone please check it for me if you'd be so kind
though it will be reality in the near future
half chan is turbo cucked