Message from @Panzerϟϟchreck Berb

Discord ID: 669686064243540011

2020-01-22 23:00:33 UTC  

we must destroy capitalism with a global thermonuclear war so that aliens can help us estabilish perfect communism

2020-01-22 23:01:03 UTC  


2020-01-22 23:01:06 UTC  

And the dictator will be

2020-01-22 23:01:10 UTC  

Hitler Heinslihoff

2020-01-22 23:01:19 UTC  

A totally not fictional person from Russia

2020-01-22 23:03:53 UTC  

@Lord of Depression he looks rather thin in that pic tbh

2020-01-22 23:04:14 UTC  

Angles can make anyone look good

2020-01-22 23:06:48 UTC  

His beard is hiding his second chin well

2020-01-22 23:12:37 UTC  

His beard IS his neck

2020-01-22 23:13:50 UTC  
2020-01-22 23:16:06 UTC  

@ghostshark He's using fat girl techniques

2020-01-22 23:16:36 UTC  

holy shit you're right

2020-01-22 23:16:52 UTC  

he's even doing the lips

2020-01-22 23:17:01 UTC  


2020-01-22 23:31:01 UTC  

I just had the best time singing rammstein karaoke

2020-01-22 23:32:20 UTC  

Can you speak germanese?

2020-01-22 23:32:53 UTC  

i am a kraut you tard

2020-01-22 23:33:01 UTC  

of course i speak kraut

2020-01-22 23:33:06 UTC  

Sup komrades.

2020-01-22 23:33:07 UTC  

id be fucked without it

2020-01-22 23:33:19 UTC  

die furry

2020-01-22 23:33:22 UTC  

God damn it another furry

2020-01-22 23:33:23 UTC  

That could mean you speak Turkish too

2020-01-22 23:33:26 UTC  

Nigga speaks bratwurst

2020-01-22 23:33:33 UTC  


2020-01-22 23:33:46 UTC  
2020-01-22 23:34:01 UTC  

do we know that retard?

2020-01-22 23:34:09 UTC  

I wanna track down that incel fuck who IP banned me from 4chan after I made a post on /r9k/.

2020-01-22 23:34:18 UTC  


2020-01-22 23:34:19 UTC  


2020-01-22 23:34:25 UTC  

What a faggot

2020-01-22 23:34:26 UTC  

youre a special kind of retard

2020-01-22 23:34:30 UTC  

Why would you ever touch r9k?

2020-01-22 23:34:37 UTC  

I made a shitpost in there to fuck with em. Big mistake.

2020-01-22 23:34:37 UTC  

furry faggot

2020-01-22 23:34:58 UTC  


2020-01-22 23:34:58 UTC  

I should've just stayed in /k/ like a good little autist.

2020-01-22 23:35:07 UTC  

Why not just restart your router?

2020-01-22 23:35:32 UTC  

Besides everyone knows you aren't supposed to use your home connection for bannable offenses

2020-01-22 23:35:32 UTC  

maybe dont try to groom underage fags into becoming traps next time

2020-01-22 23:35:57 UTC  

Sorry. Am a poorfag, so I don't own a PC. I was posting from my phone.