Message from @SwiFT
Discord ID: 305563455413288960
France as a nation is done, even if Le Pen wins. They descend into chaos soon anyway.
Electre is gross. She's like if femen joined the alt-right.
Know that feel Rex.
You were just on point about Europe Report and the anger it produces. You can only listen to do much of that shit.. fucking brutal.
Beach Boys Nationalism is the only way
I'd roll but I'm a yank and far away.
Brian Wilson is the official face of American white nationalism. Beach Boys all day.
i fucking love brian wilson
fucking kike psychiatrist reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Rex is Chad as fuck.
i love enoch but his lack of eye brows makes me incredibly uncomfortable
Kikes warped his mind. Then he made it out. Brian Wilson man... fuck yeah.
Lol. I just got invited to the inner circle of the alt knights...that was easy...
Beach Boys posting has me liking the cut of your jib
Does anyone know when FTN is comming back?
Or is it not set in stone?
lol Kyle was told by someone that I'm incredibly good at organizing against antifa and that I could help. I mean he isn't wrong but that's hilarious
soon tm
Jesus lol @Eli Mosley
That was far easier than I thought it would be.
"Sir...I cannot allow you to cross this line...kindly sit the fuck down." @Caerulus_Rex
Same here. Gayle noticed my tweets and before I knew it I'm followed by Spectre and Ricky then I'm editing pampers for Coffin Builder and now here I am..
fucking masterpiece of white achievement
Pet Sounds poasting! Fuck yeah!
>there are people who dont accept that pet sounds is literal pop perfection
Impeccable taste good sir. God Only Knows is perfection. I wish I had a better word because you already used that one but there is no better word.
Rebel Yell is best podcast objectively (no offense Rex).
God Only Knows has the best chord progression in pop because it's the only song with that chord progression.
Also god tier pop
Earl Turner jumping in like a boss. Epic taste. Agree!