Message from @Erika
Discord ID: 306596427688181770
is there video of him crushing commies
cool they killed the one anglo in hollywood
WTF since when did RooshV become so red pilled
he was writing alt-lite type things when i first started trolling with TRS
lol very implicit, spence
goddamn it
My sister in law has a crush on Spencer lmfao!!!
>"Transexuality is the last stand of implicit white identity." - Dicky Spencer, 2017
After reading the thread I understand the point he was trying to make, but goddamn it this was a flop
I just started laughing she doesn't "know about him" but she will now lol
he is a fucking retard
Lmao I understand it too after reading it. But the timeline out of context deserves to be disavowed.
that first tweet is going to be on 4chan forever
yes. yes it is
Well we know what common Filth is going to be talking about now
WHat the fuc
Oddly enough not a pile of aids in the comments
Massive drill tomorrow in DC
Help that goy up there y'all
Poor kid
why are we using gofundme instead of wesearchr or something
every single right wing gofundme is taken down
including our facetious one for nathan's iced hand
Been saving my bottle caps
ive got enough to buy a .357 revolver and some bullets when shit hits the fam