Message from @Chancellor
Discord ID: 289352319114543114
No but with a name like that
Activates my almonds
I looked at some of their other stuff. It's pretty universally shit.
I can call bullshit without reading
I have achieved /b/levels of wizardry
Yes, I didn't post it to be like "is this true or not" my point was "what are the lies being broadcast"
Well the lies are obvious
Calling Stickman a thug? Nonsense
Yes, but using memes as quotes, calling him a white supremacist, saying he pepper sprayed an old man etc.
>"He pepper-sprayed an elderly man, what a monster!"
Typical Antifa, always trying to shift the blame.
The elderly guy who got peppersprayed was wearing a MAGA hat and standing around calmly wasn't he
Why would Trump supporters pepper spray their own side
Defending people from violence is thuggish
Yet selling drugs and attacking cops isnt
Fucking leftists, how do they work?
"violence is permissable as long as it's opposing this specific definition of oppression I constructed just now."
If you are right of Yeb! you are a literal Hitler and deserve to be hit because all races are equal, but some are more equal than others.
I just think white girls are pretty, like guns and think taxes are too high and subsidising social decay.
^ Fucking liberals
When people in your country set up their own country
>reichsbuerger extremist
Germany really needs to vote for AfD
Let's hope so fam
StormClouds was pretty much the guy that got me into politics
What trap is set?
The premise of the video is that the federal reserve headed by janet yellen is going to try to intentionally harm the US economy to damage Trump and that Israel is going to try to draw the US into war with Syria and/or Iran
And some stuff about how the CIA could try to remove Trump somehow
2 mins till WIKILEAKS press conference
Assange talking about the vault 7 stuff
Nothing really interesting yet
Isn't assange dead?