Discord ID: 287823772210167808
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i hate commies
Stick man made my day
we wuz
I need to get back to the gym
hey goys
I need vetting
no worries
ugh this weekdn is bad for me
Me too
Im deep behinf the Poz in Seattle
Is there any crossover with the Cascadia TRS group?
Its probably everyone's natural reaction to the POZ up here
I saw on of their stickers at a bus stop the other day. Made me happy
44 stop on 45 off the Ave by UW
It was ripped off in less than a day
There is so much communist propaganda put up on a daily basis on that campus it would make your head spin
Im not from WA so its new to me
Ive been here for awhile Novemeber 8-9 were the funniest days of my life
Salt mining for days
Right on.
I was just asking earlier no mods atm
Berkely may have motivated some people
Stickman is a hero
Laughing and not playing into their violence
People need to be careful not to end up like those dude at the BLM protest in Minnesota
The scariest part about ANTIFA is that the Law in many places is on their side
Ohammed talked about starting a brown shirt army when he was elected
and they are basically it
Fireamrs are always a last resort
Dont be the next Zim Zam
Dont end up like those anons from /pol
maybe do it cantwell style
Max is right
hey is anyone online that could vet me
would bear macing ANTIFA be acceptable
SCAR H on the mountains battling commies
That would be my fin LARP
FAL... Right Arm of the Free world
whats sca
a search engine
So they study an reenact ancient combat
damn the things people do when they have free time
If you are right of Yeb! you are a literal Hitler and deserve to be hit because all races are equal, but some are more equal than others.
hey i really need to get vetted
No, but I do know Colorado is full
and communists from and stoners are invading and ruining the state
Its definitly a giant circle jerk
the_donald is great because the rest of Plebbit hates it
itss so funny
>trump is going to start WW3
>Trump is a Russian plant
pick one
ShareBLue in action
There fixed it
I wish i had kids already
I'm trying to undo the damage being a degenrate haas done to my life
Im 28 and feel like time is running out
@GoGo my gf is 31
@lamawesom when does vetting generally happen
which one
What flavor?
I would recoomend Pat Buchanan
The Servile Mind by Kenneth Minogue really red pilled me
Hes not nessicarilly all the way, but its insightful
hey are there any mods that are availabel to vet me?
let me plug my mic in
no worries whats the happening?
This is good for Geert
Creme de meme
Ill die
Put on on Pikes Peak
OH you want is on the Volcano
I will have to wait for summer
That could be arranged
I shoulld put a flag over the statue of Lenin here
Then ill drape one off the space needle
This town is full of shitlibs
Commies living in an extrmely expensive SWPL white city
Commies who require the finest coffees , craft beers, and organic food
There's a communist themed taco shop across the street as well
I hate commies
@Tee CA I should
Tacos are delicous
I will physically remove them, so to speak
Tacos were my meal of choice on Nov. 9th.
Praise Kek
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