Discord ID: 110937445431803904
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Oy vey.
I'm honestly surprised this is an actual organized group, I thought it was just a meme for the longest time
Any midwesterners here?
i.e. the Michigan/Indiana/Ohio/Illinois area
I wish.
God dammit, I forgot how hungry I was
Never heard that stereotype before though tbh, usually we make jokes about corn and the fact that we call grilled cheese "cheese toasties".
It's pronounced "thernovich", my dude
(((Berkeley cops)))
nubbin to see here goy :DDD
No but seriously if I ever find myself with a few anticom goyim flexing at antifa how many chosenites do you think I'll see
I'm guessing at least 20
Us or them?
I mean we're supposed to be RWSS
I'm not afraid to break a few commie ribs, but that being said, I'd rather not be the one to throw the first punch
As a former ancap autiste I agree
I'm a minarchist now, not much different
But that only applies to those compatible with a free society; folks like antifa need to be physically removed
What for?
that's cute
Something tells me that wasn't what actually went down
Or at least not THAT much
But yeh, see ya fam
Mods = Rothchilds butthurt about always bowing to the bogs
I dont know why I love the bogdanov meme so much
I just do
They're legit kikes?
Their faces are so artificial it'd throw off anyone's jewdar
I find how they look to be both disgusting and hilarious at the same time
It's an odd feeling.
Depends if traps are gay.
No, but seriously, traps are indeed gay. Luckily I'm not part of that crowd
oh jeebus, that meme
we have like 6 gorillion icons at this point
symbols, logos, whatever you wanna call em
Isn't Maine still delightfully huwite even in the current year
wtf I love maine now
Apparently new hampshire's still overwhelmingly white too, if Chris Cantwell's to be trusted
>new jersey
>good walmarts
don't you guys have a bunch of niggers though
Also, [obligatory privatize the roads meme]
>60% white
That's depressing as fuck tbh
A trust fund baby who cashes in his food stamps for crack and shitty clothes at burlington coat factory
I've been there like once, it's surprisngly okay for a store that tends to be crawling with niggers
Find your nearest college campus and yell hitler memes
>Too cold for them
When Winter-chan does her job just right
rarifag has an abortion fetish
pass it on
The rate of black abortion honestly made me stop being pro-life
Black population? Not whites?
It'd make perfect sense to push it on whites since it lowers their birthrate, providing an excuse to bring in the shitskins
I'm not sure what exact decade the "replace whitey" shit was originally thought up so I can't really comment
nice find, rarifag
not even kidding, I might actually use this at some point
thank you based horsefucker
oh god I love that one
Great, thanks to that corporate redpill you posted I'll have barely any selection if I start boycotting
I'll go full autiste here just this once: GAPT master race
GAPT. Image search it you fucking nog
I was gonna say, I'm pretty sure she's old as shit
But anyway, this isn't the place for our particular brand of faggotry
So I'll cut myself off while I'm still ahead
Oy vey, we have some nice diversity on /pol/ there, goy
Also what's that nicuckelodeon thing all about
this shit just keeps getting more and more ridiculous
fucking United Weimar States of America is one crazy place to live
noice one
no waifu no laifu
also my favorite book is "Fallout: Equestria" by David Duke
He started it.
Don't be a nigger.
By the way, anyone know the legal status of smoke grenades? I don't think they're classified as "weapons"
same tbh fam
I meant using them in public, forgot to add that little detail
Because they could be hella useful for dispersing a clusterfuck of antifa goons
I live in Indiana which is a notoriously red state
So I guess I have that going for me
speak the king's english, you babboon
"But goy, they're only more prone to violent crime because their impoverished environment caused by centuries of white oppression!"
this is perfect
As long as it makes a vision-crippling cloud, I'm fine with it
Also, apparently if you add oil crayons you can make the smoke any color you like
If I go through with it I'll make 'em black and yellow for theatric effect
Someone else said earlier that they got banned for the same thing
And yeh, nips are hella based
Fuck yes, apparently Macomb is only 3 and a half hours away, I really hope I don't have to work on the 11th
If I don't then I'll sign up
Which link?
The one you posted just a few minutes ago?
Thanks, Ian Freeman
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