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Are we still going to have a community service element? I haven't been following since the thread on 4chan
Good. I liked that element. Will be a stark contrast when antifa burns down cities and we clean them up
Also, is it going to be a rightwing only thing or open to wall ideologies against communists?
Any non-lethal weaponry can be lethal under the right circumstances
So if you are that worried about killing someone your only option is letting them beat you or extreme martial arts.
Antifa is worse in Europe from what I have seen though
I feel like America is the best set up to start Anticom though
Because our self defense laws are better, we have trump, and we have less communist sympathizers
AntiFa does everything people hate fascism for doing. Everything they do has multiple levels of irony to it.
Only kill if its absolutly last resort to save someone's life.
@Sanji Yes, we need to wake up. Thats why we organize, get equiped, and work together.
Next time they try to beat someone to death, we can be there to stop them
" If you have questions or comments, email me at [email protected]"
TBH you messing up and getting the names wrong makes more sense than some Antifa infiltrator being dumb enough to use an antifa email.
I'd love to see the breaks fail on an 18 wheeler as it approches a BLM streat riot ate highway speeds.
But statistically, Homos are more likely to be pedos than straights
I ABSOLUTELY hate the "pedos were born this way" argument.
"This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually."
My position on this issue is that we should lock up pedos no matter what they are attracted to though. If you rape kids you should be put away
I think it would depend on how bad their crimes were. Obviously the really bad ones should be killed.
I'm not a fan of what the Nazis did by any means, but to blame modern Germans for Hitler is INSANE.
They are destroying their own country in the name of not being Nazis.
Change.org is super liberal generally though
Plus there is nothing guaranteeing Trump will even read it.
On their FB Emerald city antifa said they didn't post it. They could be lying though
Yeah but the one principle antifa always defends it the necessity of using violence to silence people they don't like.
Ancaps are silly but they want to achieve their goals through peaceful means so they are harmless.
Also, more colorful than black. One of the most repulsive things about antifa is how they dress in that crappy all black thug gear.
In fact I should get my homework done. I'll be back in a few hours.
So the thought just came to me, how are we going to handle any Women who want to join out group?
Pretty sure they are actually soros funded to some extent though
Is there a version of this logo with a transparent background?
In our propaganda, can we not copy antifa's style of veiled threats? Its revolting and arrogant.
"Good night right side" just makes moderates hate antifa
The whole "Free ride left side" is great for memeing, but not if we want to get serious
Isidewith has a pretty good political ideology ranking system, even if their assessment of candidates is absolute crap.
I wanted to see what the logo would look like with a differnt color scheme. We don't have to use it or anything, just thought it looked interesting.
Are the 8/pol/ mods actually antifa or was that just a meme from TRS?
The good night left side stuff is a little to radical to but posting publicly. We really want to brand ourselves as not aggressive.
You know what would be awesome? If we could get a logo that had the standard "good night right side" layout, but instead of an antifa beating a rightwinger it would have one of us protecting a woman or child from antifa
I'm looking at the marines fitness standards.... They are so lenient on women.
If you can't handle a the stress or an antifa spitting in your face without going berserk, then we can't let you in.
They already have my email and name if the whitehouse petition is compromised.
@Kevibear Yes, it is. But starting a fight over that is not going to look good
I don't know. If it was just me I probably would swing back. The problem is that if we are going to be an organization we really need to worry about our appearance.
The left media will already try to make us look like the SS.
Yeah, but they wouldn't have anything to stand on.
I guess it feels to me like punching is too violent of a reaction to spitting.
If there was some way of responding that was less violent but still got the message across
Again, my only issue is how it will look to an outside observer. I agree that they deserve a response, I just don't see how you can do it without it looking like you are the aggressor.
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