An Admirable Admiral
Discord ID: 219002024962818049
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Is this the flight school? Ill pilot the heli.
If you cannot overpower your enemies destroy them from within.
Stick man is the hero we need
Im not, i just really hate commies
My coordinates are (4,6) on that
How does one get vetted?
Sounds pretty ez
Im calling the fucking gestapo
Thank you based stick man
Stick man is my idol
But some ply wood and make one
So are rifles
No, sticks
Rebar is the highest form of stick
Metal stick
Cant break
Are there any benefits?
Thanks based stickman
Roman tactics, @I Have Ascended
Tbh we should take swords to protests and use them for """""self defence"""""
Shields are easy to make, just buy a sheet of plywood and cut to shape, paint whatever on it
Yeah, buckelers ate bad for riots
Deus vult are bad, usually. be sure helms have good padding
Best weapon should be your shield
Shields are great for bashing
Gains arent worth it if youre a degenerate.
Tbh i like the look of circular shields, i may make one with a ~1 meter diameter
>Not using a sling
And the helmet and shield
Good for fending off antifa cancer
You mean steel?
Why not just use rebar?
Also flag poles can have ornaments on the end! great place to put pointy shit!
Cultiral Marxism Appropriation
Useful things incoming
The ziptie one is for when you get arrested after sticking one of them
They are the weak
Weak who want the strong to care for them
They keep misusing their nono words and making them who cares words
>Literally calexit for the right
Kick his ass
Thats why they look so sick
Theyre cowards
Like i lovw brawling, man. Nothing like a good fight. But commies just run away
Sounds like a great time
Brass ones are best
In the nose is good, makes eyes water, thus blinding your opponent
Thats what commies deserve
We can unify the united states and lead these states to be a white ethno state
Small countyries have allies
Most are tactical nightmares
Invade Switzerland and live off Nazi Gold
Or make 4th reich
We will need the people to support us
We must begin an anti government propaganda campaign on the swiss
Once we gain enough power we will become the govt
We will be
Some people like nazis
Anne Frankly im offended
Belgum has allies
Strong allies
Small pacific islands are ideal, but marine warfare is a pain
Jaden pls go
Fair, but islands can be hard to take, as rather than rolling up with a FOB you must land and take shit
Blitzkrieg is best
Most islanders would be off guard, and likely easily falls victim to a sudden attack
No point.
We would be surrounded by niggers
Not so much large, as much as landable
Use marksmen to take out military and political leaders, lowering general morale and destablizing the target country/island
Fuckig guerilla warfare is OP reeee
>hunting rifles
STEN army
Oh my god
Make Zimbabwe Rhodesia again
By securing public favor
>and then the rest of the world
How will we discretely dispose of natives?
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