Discord ID: 272203816458256395
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The what tweets?
@Hernรกn Cortรฉs Glad I ended up 75K in debt for this
@Schlomo Sheckleberg White house is going to stall the votes like they did with the antifa petition.
>Verify your vote >Still at 1 vote
Jesus christ...
I hope this is a parody of some sorts.
This makes me angry beyond any reassonable mesure.
If I was in timmys shoes I would have every member in antifa catch colon cancer and aids.
@Chancellor What do you mean by "forgotten it's ways"?
@YWMaga >When you don't believen private property but claim that others are able to steal land from each other
@YWMaga Was hitler an individualist?
If you support invidualism how can you expect it to serve the greater good of the community?
@James_Coney - LA Replace the dildo with a molotov and you will be set.
I feel like this represents the libertarian left pretty well.
They will pitifully throw a hissy fit at their superiors and when they are BTFO'd they will play the victim card.
@Chancellor He is the bastard son of the bush family.
@Iamawesom He has been dead for a long time.
Since when is the real question though.
And is he still alive but being held somewhere?
@Iamawesom >When jimmy nutrins retard father makes more sense than the entire BLM movement
Is it possible that the FBI needed an excuse for more control over the population so they killed a random teen and caused chaos at an elementary school to do so?
@Rhalitra-WI When you work as a fast food resturant worker and get paid as much as a CEO of a major corporation
@Iamawesom I am not sure multi track drfting works for the ancap route
>Implying that I was talking about the ancom route
@Tee CA Jesus christ how many G's of force are you feeling from that initial drop?
@Tee CA So you would probably pass out less than halfway down covered in your own vomit while you are also blind from the force
They had a real time of architects design this so it kills people?
He was probably the guy who designed a roller coaster that went so high up it reached the skybox then had it go at almost a 90 degree angle into the ground
>When an anti communist public server on discord devolves into a meme and video game discord
Is this redpilled?
HWNDU is back?
I thought it ended.
Isn't is basically a 24/7 stream of people screeching "HE WILL NOT DEVIDE US" while people from /pol/ join in later?
Shia labeouf get's skinned alive?
I'd like it
>When you spend all of your budget on the clothing so you have to make a tank out of cardboard and people
@๐ ฑarD They still have the nationalist blood in them.
@Iamawesom When your write an SA for a meme that people will only read a few sentences of.
@esgee Self tested GPA?
@๐ ฑarD Hello jupiter
Correct spelling seems to be rarer.
I have not heard of any garbage can tipping yet
@GoGo >When you say that how somebody see's life today is shit
Has antifa achieved anarchy by tipping over trashcans yet?
I have to wonder what antifa hopes to establish if they "achieve anarchy"
Apparently it means "everybody is equal" which means everybody interprits it as a communist belief
>Everybody get's welfare >Everybody get's the same amount of money >The gov can afford this >Gov does not collapse
Exact oppisates
>We want a state that has no rules >We also want free welfare
>We also want communism
>This is somehow communism
@Hernรกn Cortรฉs It's not currency if you don't call it money
Needs some work
Put the pure nordic reich flag on then we will be good to go.
Antifa is there.
They are low energy though
Was talking about the event in general
Bring a damn mobile charger if you are going to go out on low battery
Oh shit this is starting to pick up
I saw a landwhale
This is full on class warfare at this point
Probably signal issues
That or data issues
If you need to try youtube or facebook
@Oskar636 How is the situation right now?
I saw a landwhale
No I meant in the crowds when the periscope was up.
@Oskar636 Happening?
I really need to check if I am mentioning people in old discussions
How would you get in trouble for going on a NSFW board? Are you at work?
Somebody make a spanish version of this
Yes, illegals either are hard of speaking in english or don't at all
When you trick illegals into getting deported through an eidited flyer
delet this
Thats why I only watch hentai
Mother of god....
It all makes sense now...
I hear a lot about shadow banning but I have not seen it or experienced it
True, but there is a thing that you can click on that shows all replies
@Extra Crispy The event meeting on the poster
Didn't see it then.
That tagline for MSNBC threw me off for a seconds
>Calls apartheid bad
@Extra Crispy Jesus christ what the fuck is that
Is this a photo of a schizophrenic person in the middle of a mental break down?
Lobsters are unreliable as a weapon
Use snapping turtles
G night
When you are pro environment so you set your camp on fire and leave behind fucktons of trash as a form of protest
@Andy What anime is that from?
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