Message from @Accipiter
Discord ID: 313755487013306369
Playing jenga with the progressive stack is the strategy for winning.
it will take one tribal war and razing of chinese facility for the PLA to go ham in africa they don't tolerate shit
no the chinks will literally make the dead nigger forest
i would rather have the av 70 iq negro have africa than the yellow menance
So how about Obama saying that it was every American's dream to be Donald Trump in a paper he wrote in the 90s. Lol
@VulgarBulgar that was just odd
just odd?
it's probably the second worst thing I've seen after Bill Nye's new show
Like it was poorly done
Who's even gonna watch that
nobody thankfully
literally nobody, it's got 1.2k views
I truly hate these people
everybody does
thank goodness they are this inept
This is so libtard
/our guy/ journalist
@JohnnyMonoxide what happened to him?
he took down a blm banner that said fuck white supremacy on the robert e lee statue in charlottesville last night and got arrested for disorderly conduct
In the middle of a commie/leftist/BLM chimpout
300~ autisticly screeching libshits reacting to our IE demonstration the night before
only jews can never forget their history yours must be destroyed
Is it RAHOWA yet?
We can rewrite Christopher Columbus but don't touch the Holocaust oh God
Holocaust never fucking happened
But it should have
(((Theresa May))) wants to make denying the Holocaust of being "anti semetic" (which means criticize Israel or Jews) illegal
The holy hoax museum was closed on Sunday afternoon the poor chosen still oppressed by evil christians I couldn't even hand over my shekels