Message from @BrydenProctor
Discord ID: 313918136233754624
@Vanguard you know what is funny leftists have been playing the "certain people are born violent you cant hold them accountible."
thats based
@Nikephoros one of my buddies made a clock like that out of tubes. It's badass.
That fallout aesthetic.
@SledgeHammer this is better than jay leno's vespa, it's his turbine car
@SledgeHammer Ghia built those turbine car bodies
Actual video of @SLUG2_ on a normal day
I fucking loved that game. Now I love alcohol and cigarettes.
Somebody better break out a recorder and play this bitch at my funeral, all I'm saying
@BrydenProctor the amount of time ive wasted on vidya makes me wish for a global emp to impose luddite nationalism.
I miss vidya, life was pretty simple. I just played video games and read about the free market and shit
I should have just amrried that hapa chick
fukken CNN!
When does the Shoah generally get posted?
@BrydenProctor I saw someone reply to this, the other day, that it made them cry. (or want to cry?) It didn't hit me so hard as that but I could understand it.
@Lester Cordell did they cry because its so small.