Message from @nuPlissken
Discord ID: 392774247379894293
Yeaah same thing
I’m glad I made my strong point
A gay man is all of the faults of a woman and none of the benefits.
*wants answers to the GQ*
Homosexuality is part of white identity
No, it isn't
It's a Central Asian problem
But seriously guys
If this tax bill passes
I’ll be killed
The right-wing needs to get better at organizing. This is downright embarrassing. What can we do?
I wouldn't say computing forever is right wing though.
It was held by people who had no experience in organizing events and bit off more than they could chew.
CF isn't explicitly right-wing, but free-speech is a meta right-wing issue at the moment, and I think he's sympathetic to us. It would've been a good event that could've brought people on the fence to our side. 2018 should be a year where we try be more active against the globalists. Trump is not gonna save us.
So any thoughts on what to do? I like that there's a lot of younger guys and gals doing trolling and organizing discords, but what else is needed? Maybe more funding of content creators? I try to give through Patreon. What else can we do?
You don't think it was arrogance and ignorance that caused it to fail?
I've done some event planning at my previous job and it is a huge pain in the keester. I wish some of these big content creators would put out the call to help if they need it. Something about being in this sphere means you have to be like an ubermensch and do everything yourself. Just ask for help!
I agree. that's why it went to shit. It became so petty.
They took off all the guest from their website. That's a good sign!
The reputation is already destroyed. They can still get ballpits though.
The good quality ones.
lmao. It's gonna be like the Fyre Festival.
An some jumpers.
OMG. Perfect. You hit it right in the nail. Lol
Refugee camps. So right wingers can cosplay as a Muslim immigrant for a day.
The worst part is, not only are the usual suspects going to draw dashcon, etc parallels. But this disaster is going to be touted as proof of the left's superiority (they can organize) and that our ideas about freedom of speech are impossible to put into practice.
Yup, and it's true, the left is better at organizing. We need to step up our game.
The only thing the right can organize that is large-scale is some cringey Turning Point USA conference where it's a bunch of bowties complaining about the capital gains tax.
I've seen how that works, even on a small scale. People not being able to check their ego is a big part of the problem. That and being stupid teenagers sometimes.
Maybe reaching out to small businesses can help?
My fam runs 2 small businesses. Someone ask me for help.
Unfortunatly, we can't mirror the left's organizational form for many reasons. Not the least of which is use of the progressive stack, and individualism being super important.
Not saying it's gonna be easy, and you're right.
When I went to union meetings there are actually seperate organizations that do nothing but organize. Basically, it's this big pre internet social network.
I think the right is getting much better at organizing online, but some IRL stuff is important too.
This sounds like an under dog story.
Lets say you have a hundered scojus groups in an area with 4-50 active members each. Every time any group has a beef they call into this central group, and that group calls all one hundred of those affiliated groups.
Yeah, I like the idea of small groups.