Message from @Vanguard

Discord ID: 323257118734155776

2017-06-11 00:25:02 UTC  

bring her back to your house

2017-06-11 00:25:09 UTC  

with all the ingredients for a meal

2017-06-11 00:25:10 UTC  

@SLUG2_ no but you shouldn't take her to dinner. You should take her to a park and fuck on the slides and swings.

2017-06-11 00:25:13 UTC  

and make her cook you food

2017-06-11 00:25:22 UTC  


2017-06-11 00:25:26 UTC  

Absolutely. I've got a normie account that can bring her into the fold if she isn't ready for the full-vandal service yet @SLUG2_

2017-06-11 00:25:36 UTC  


2017-06-11 00:25:40 UTC  

She hot?

2017-06-11 00:25:42 UTC  

Pm me

2017-06-11 00:25:47 UTC  
2017-06-11 00:25:57 UTC  

"jackpot, time to take out my glock and hold all five women at gunpoint so that i can rape them sequentially, giving them a mixed ethnicity child that will haunt them for the rest of their life, which will end up in zero (0) grandchildren being born because i destroyed a 500,000 year old institution known as 'do not rape white women unless you marry them and take them with you afterwards'"
-@Eli Mosley

2017-06-11 00:26:00 UTC  

That's what matters

2017-06-11 00:26:02 UTC  

tendies are ready

2017-06-11 00:26:17 UTC  

Then if she isn't pregnant by next week you have failed our people

2017-06-11 00:27:37 UTC  

>full vandal-service

2017-06-11 00:27:47 UTC  

is that what they call it

2017-06-11 00:28:00 UTC  

thats where sacco impregnates her

2017-06-11 00:28:03 UTC  

and lets slug raise his child

2017-06-11 00:28:09 UTC  


2017-06-11 00:28:22 UTC  

There is a distinct line of not being a bitch and being a nog when it comes to women

2017-06-11 00:28:42 UTC  

Sacco will train his warriors in person. There is no better man to rear a child

2017-06-11 00:28:52 UTC  

ruining women is when you become a nigger

2017-06-11 00:29:17 UTC  

raising children isnt nig behavior

2017-06-11 00:29:28 UTC  

i see nothing wrong with ruining foreign women

2017-06-11 00:29:51 UTC  

Define foreign

2017-06-11 00:30:03 UTC  

this conversation started because i have a bastard child in mexico

2017-06-11 00:30:07 UTC  

@HGWells this was on odd choice for a song to lose your virginity to

2017-06-11 00:30:09 UTC  

and convo flipped out about it

2017-06-11 00:30:15 UTC  

Oh Mexico doesn't count

2017-06-11 00:31:42 UTC  

@weev I don't care who you have your bastards with as long as they don't come close to my daughters. Fucking animals get put down real quick.

2017-06-11 00:31:44 UTC  

"i know how to save the white race"

2017-06-11 00:31:45 UTC

2017-06-11 00:32:33 UTC  

@Athena Marie do not care if you shoot a mongrel spic kid

2017-06-11 00:32:35 UTC  

even if its mine

2017-06-11 00:32:41 UTC  

if they're in a white land

2017-06-11 00:32:43 UTC  

they're up for slaughter

2017-06-11 00:32:43 UTC  


2017-06-11 00:32:43 UTC  


2017-06-11 00:32:56 UTC  

i know i win because weev has stopped calling me homosexual and started ignoring me

2017-06-11 00:33:04 UTC  

@Vanguard can only make love if this song is playing: