Message from @Kwi Gon Gym
Discord ID: 486004475082047489
Yea it means bitches will set you back from progressing without any real motive and youll still give her the pass cause you think shes "good looking"
quality 👌
O no
@Andrew The Meme King <:gamerpepesteamavatars:480186125756006400> <:dbd:480186132298989569>
So many good memes!!
we will all get along just fine xD
Have an overweight female step on a scale and it will say "TO INFINITY AND BEYOND" and the man will wear buzz lightyear's outfit
That's only half-true.
There are some women are look very menacing when angered.
land whales are fucking hulks when they rage
Like "get your knife and get ready to stand your ground" angry.
Not talking about land whales either. The harpies and rachtets are actually more fearsome.
Than those fat sacks of shit.
The fatasses are just annoying and disgusting when angry.
Gives me the "ugh, where did I keep my bat and thot spray" disgusted vibe.
I wonder why he named his kid "three shots of tequila"