Message from @SwiFT
Discord ID: 337801454561787924
sumthin a lot of preachers in these super churches ain't practicing
better yet Hyperborean Druid nobly forgoing wealth because his time chambers could theoretically create him infinite personal gain
^implying priesthood doesn't do the same
Transcendent Aesthetic fam
>implying priests of any sect of Christianity have ever left Midgård
s🅱 oo🅱 y
wtf y you do this--i used to think chester was cute
he'll probably be cute for another 24-48 hours
@Zorost that's the most accurate political compass I have ever seen
Mccain death reaction = normie-check
normies need to be forced to identify themselves so we can look upon them with disdain, perhaps a uniform
And so they can get cool normie badges to identify themselves in public when they are forced to bow to us or face capital punishment
holy fugg I am back had to close this to finish an asignment and not have autism redirected
@SwiFT that chic was indicted on like assault charges or some crazy shit, she is bat shit
id still fugg doe
Where is everyone tonight? WTF
Die already
i couldnt find this server
and thought i got booted
i need to prune bad
im nearly 30 some
@Vanguard i hate that faggot, hate hes in my state , cousin works for him
@SwiFT vanguard and i are here i just miss convo
I drank 11 pounders of Miller light while writing this econ response and doing to math
I hope this literal shit post keeps my good grade fuck it