Message from @Ilya Muromets
Discord ID: 337830753129725952
holy fugg I am back had to close this to finish an asignment and not have autism redirected
@SwiFT that chic was indicted on like assault charges or some crazy shit, she is bat shit
id still fugg doe
Where is everyone tonight? WTF
Die already
i couldnt find this server
and thought i got booted
i need to prune bad
im nearly 30 some
@Vanguard i hate that faggot, hate hes in my state , cousin works for him
@SwiFT vanguard and i are here i just miss convo
I drank 11 pounders of Miller light while writing this econ response and doing to math
I hope this literal shit post keeps my good grade fuck it
I tell you what them Miller pounders sneak up on you
not much of a fan
but i can get you into Dorsia
This is last case of beer I'm legit buying sticking to hard stuff because of estrogen shit of beer
But what if you own dorsia 🤔🤔🤔
i hardly drink so there
you own Dorsia huh
then you know my favorite table
@Ilya Muromets probably by the men's room to have access to the stall door to tap for guys amirite
@Ilya Muromets RIP @Convo
We hardly knew ye
But we knew ye like Polish women, and that was enough
Maybe he finally found a woman
Does anybody know who is behind RootBocks?
i think an IE guy
Well I hope it's legit and works out. Seems like the best crowdfunding site yet
These shitheads called McCain a baby killer for the last 40 years, but only now get upset about insulting 'war heroes' when we express shadenfraud.
I hate the hypocrisy in the comment section. "Who cares about his politics" when they were calling him Hitler for challenging Onigger 9 years ago. This pig worked his ass off to see Christians and Yazidis wiped off the map and funded the men massacring and raping their way across the middle east.