Message from @Fluffles

Discord ID: 556141907978485760

2019-03-15 15:41:52 UTC  

idk, here’s the thing to me

2019-03-15 15:42:53 UTC  

before, in places like the US and the UK, immigrant groups would temporarily cause a scare at first and then it would peter away because said immigrant groups would gradually assimilate themselves within a decade or so into the local culture

2019-03-15 15:43:22 UTC  

they assimilated because of stuff like this

2019-03-15 15:43:44 UTC  

rampant racism and discrimination, being killed, that stuff happened to basically any immigrant group

2019-03-15 15:43:53 UTC  

they assimilated because they had to to survive

2019-03-15 15:44:02 UTC  

are you saying it’s better not to assimilate?

2019-03-15 15:44:08 UTC  

What's the saying, when in rome do as the Roman's do

2019-03-15 15:44:18 UTC  

when the alternative is basically death apparently not

2019-03-15 15:44:41 UTC  

thing is, there are enough muslim immigrants to create their own subcommunity and remain isolated

2019-03-15 15:44:48 UTC  

it’s when you *don’t* assimilate that discord grows between ethnic groups

2019-03-15 15:44:49 UTC  

they don't have to interact with the white majority

2019-03-15 15:45:17 UTC  

Which creates problems when things conflict with the laws of the land

2019-03-15 15:45:24 UTC  

and it’s when these muslim enclaves force islamic law onto non-muslims that this really pisses people off

2019-03-15 15:46:32 UTC  

my point here is that this is relatively different from most other instnaces of immgrant groups

2019-03-15 15:47:17 UTC  


2019-03-15 15:47:36 UTC  

previous immigrant groups didn’t attempt to enforce their cultural customs onto the majority

2019-03-15 15:47:42 UTC  

It's a different kind of immigration too, traditionally it's been European waves of immigration, where the values were skewed but mostly inline

2019-03-15 15:48:35 UTC  

It's a shit storm of circumstance and the current zeitgeist

2019-03-15 15:48:40 UTC  

you can walk through Chinatown or the Irish Quarter without being told to put on a head covering, like my mother was when we were walking quietly through a Muslim neighbourhood in London

2019-03-15 15:49:14 UTC  

right because if they did shit like what just happened would happen to them

2019-03-15 15:49:23 UTC  

this is the same sorta shit thats been happening to immigrant groups

2019-03-15 15:50:08 UTC  

you *don’t* have the right to force foreign customs on locals when you are the outsider

2019-03-15 15:50:23 UTC  

this is the same expectation if you work as an ex-pat in Hong Kong or Shanghai

2019-03-15 15:50:53 UTC  

it isn’t exclusive to Western countries

2019-03-15 15:50:57 UTC  

this is common sense

2019-03-15 15:50:58 UTC

2019-03-15 15:51:00 UTC  

I hate to use the word but it's better to go along with the flow in public, makes things better overall

2019-03-15 15:51:21 UTC  

refusing to assimilate is the genesis for these sorts of problems

2019-03-15 15:51:43 UTC  

and you know what? we know historically Muslims *can* assimilate, they are deliberately choosing not to now

2019-03-15 15:52:37 UTC  

even when you do assimilate the otherization just becomes less obvious

2019-03-15 15:53:16 UTC  

if you want a great example, in the 60’s to the 80’s there was a wave of Turkish immigration to Western Germany. The Turkish families that moved to Germany picked up German, started businesses that integrated Turkish dishes into German meals or provided Turkish goods, and they became a normal part of the German population with no race riots or mass shootings necessary

2019-03-15 15:53:47 UTC  

i sincerely doubt there wasnt some sort of violence

2019-03-15 15:53:55 UTC  

they didn’t try to force German women to wear head coverings or police the streets with religious militias

2019-03-15 15:54:09 UTC  

you’re welcome to check for yourself.

2019-03-15 15:54:38 UTC  

they didn't have the numbers to be confident enough to try it

2019-03-15 15:55:07 UTC  

if they’re always going to do it if they have enough numbers, then why do we need to let them live in our countries?

2019-03-15 15:55:30 UTC  

why do we have to let them introduce inharmony in cities and create no-go zones that are unpoliceable?

2019-03-15 15:56:45 UTC  

why do we have to accept that when they inevitably go to a Salafist mosque and are indoctrinated into extremist ideologies that they cause mass stabbings and bombings in our city centres?

2019-03-15 15:56:49 UTC  

too late to think about that now, theyre already in the countries and this is already happening

2019-03-15 15:57:23 UTC  

then you can see why people are very much beginning to believe that the only solution is to remove them by force.

2019-03-15 15:57:47 UTC  

i can see that and i am in no way surprised that this sort of thing is happening