Message from @Cabbage

Discord ID: 663794634232692786

2020-01-02 06:18:45 UTC  

@livid_scrooge I don't play this game hahahahahahahahaha.

2020-01-02 06:19:49 UTC  

But I have the observation that you people really suck at another game. It is called World Wars and you get your asses beaten pretty damn bad there, don't you?

2020-01-02 16:27:05 UTC  

Just like the Bulgarians?

2020-01-02 19:07:01 UTC  

not a study but i find it kinda interesting how this obviously overly-progressive former google head manages to both recognise china as a threat but also spout progressive talking points

some real weird vibes here

2020-01-02 19:12:12 UTC  

It's some sort of cognitive bias. Like when ContraPoints says he's against SJW's, but for SJ.

2020-01-02 19:13:13 UTC  

It should be obvious that SJ can only be done by SJW's, but the bias doesn't allow for that realization to happen.

2020-01-02 21:27:42 UTC  

But hopefully if they can see the cracks in the seems, the light shining through, they can eventually see the problems with the other ideas. They've been pushed to the edge, and now maybe they can reflect upon what was at and before the edge that got them there in the first place. One thing I've found about the left is that they tend to be expedient thinkers, who don't think about the future or past far ahead in advance, they just think largely about the now or the immediate problem. So an immediate problem emerges, china's influence for example, but they don't think about how it built up there, the little decisions along the way of ceding ground here and there that ultimately lead to the final problem. If you can get them to think ahead and think to the past, then I think they'll be able to see a lot more of the problems with their ideology

2020-01-02 21:41:30 UTC  

the thing is, modern/faux leftism operates only on its own terms or defensive ones; those terms being "my way of thinking is correct," "i know they're wrong," etc.

2020-01-02 22:36:20 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck The glorious Bulgars simply had the misfortune of being heavily outnumbered ever so often during their history, of being in a really difficult situations and also having some nasty tribes invade our territory, but we all know DEEP inside our heart the day of retribution is coming when we would once again raise our banners of Glory for the PROGRESS of all of Humanity!

2020-01-02 22:39:32 UTC  


2020-01-02 22:45:52 UTC  

"but we all know DEEP inside our heart the day of retribution is coming when we would once again raise our banners of Glory for the PROGRESS of all of Humanity!"
@yordanyordanov I suppose you're the second coming of the Supreme Gentleman then?

2020-01-02 22:46:26 UTC  

Don't doubt the God-Chosen Bulgars!

2020-01-02 22:47:28 UTC  


2020-01-02 22:50:06 UTC  

We, the Bulgars know, that we stand at the onset of civilization and it would die out without our nourishing presence, so we are truly concerned about the wellbeing of the world, that's why we need to stand up and defend our Glory. Otherwise, not only Bulgaria, but the whole of the civilized Humanity will be doomed!

2020-01-02 22:52:48 UTC  


2020-01-04 16:48:32 UTC  
2020-01-06 17:22:53 UTC  

Alternatively: 'The 2010s' grim legacy? SJWs'

2020-01-06 22:07:45 UTC  

The decade before that was the decade of indoctrination.

2020-01-06 22:08:58 UTC  

When all the zoomer SJWs were growing up, the system was already too heavily gynocentric and lowest-common denominator. The 2000's created the SJWs.

2020-01-06 22:24:35 UTC  

A lot of them were atheists or agnostics looking for a new religion.

2020-01-07 02:55:46 UTC  

The thing is the atheist movement needed to happen, but some people just don't know when to stop.

2020-01-07 03:44:13 UTC  


2020-01-07 03:55:38 UTC  

damn why can atheists be satisfied with atheism

2020-01-07 04:21:09 UTC  

Ask C.S. Lewis. His quote about moral busybodies can apply to anyone, religious or not.

2020-01-07 06:03:04 UTC  

>>The thing is the atheist movement needed to happen
Hahahah, no

2020-01-07 09:37:54 UTC  

@Tr1bal They can, but people aren't typically possessed by just one view.

2020-01-07 09:39:38 UTC  

It's like saying "why can't religious people just be religious and not turn their belief into fundamentalist oppressive horseshit?" Well they can in fact do that, and they often do. But they have complex minds filled with many other views besides their god-worship.

2020-01-07 09:45:10 UTC  

I think the real issue was that, as the atheist movement grew big online, it was turned into a platform for other views unrelated to atheism, since it was useful enough for that. So the atheist platform was turned into one of... I guess progressivism in this case. They got the attention, so they took that opportunity instead of building the progressivist movement from scratch on a new platform. Or maybe some of their followers just kept following naturally because they were now interested in the preacher as much as in the message.
And why exactly progressivism? That might be because the atheists at that time wanted to *escape/end the status quo,* which is in line with the progressivist mindset, so it worked as a follow-up?

2020-01-07 12:10:49 UTC  

The weird part is it started out as a way to keep religious doctrine affecting legislation, then to keeping all religious iconography out of government altogether, then somehow embracing islam.

2020-01-07 14:37:27 UTC  

Might be because of dualism or something. I'm good, therefore all who aren't like me must be evil.

2020-01-07 14:38:31 UTC  

Dualism kinda requires that the enemy of my enemy must be my friend. Of course that's not logical, but it doesn't neccessarily have to be applied logically and consistently.

2020-01-07 17:39:41 UTC  

Man is a spiritual animal. The fact that atheist movements devolve into weird quasi-religions prove this.

2020-01-07 20:53:10 UTC  

I think it's even more weird that they jumped from bashing one Abrahamic religion to embracing another. There's religions out there like Buddhism and Taoism that you could consider "atheistic." But somehow it turned into an anti-patriotic movement.

2020-01-07 22:42:40 UTC  

Wow, it's almost like the United States is based on a Civic religion and any atheistic movement pushed would inherently be anti nationalistic as it would serve to deconstruct our founding mythos

2020-01-07 22:55:48 UTC  

>builds civilization on Civic religion
>promotes atheism
>Society implodes

What did people honestly expect

2020-01-07 23:02:00 UTC  

The Bible is 50/50 split on whether borders should be open or not.

2020-01-07 23:03:01 UTC  

So much to the claim that it's atheism, not something else, that spreads anti-nationalist rhetoric.