Message from @Jeremy

Discord ID: 679830976519471142

2020-02-19 23:06:01 UTC  

Fun fact: only Russia and only Orthodox have space priests

2020-02-19 23:06:02 UTC  

Take the price controls out of the economy.

2020-02-19 23:06:16 UTC  

Impoverished communities will stop pointing the finger at the white man and capitalists.

2020-02-19 23:06:21 UTC

2020-02-19 23:06:37 UTC

2020-02-19 23:06:41 UTC  

Let them develop.

2020-02-19 23:08:19 UTC  

Uksio deadass blessing this cursed chat after the Pinkstoo Raid

2020-02-19 23:09:16 UTC  

@snake, as for those who plan attacks or usurpation, of course I serve my country and relay the information to the CIA, regardless of whether they're left or right. However, I am, myself, a Classical Liberal, so I don't mind militia movements, in fact I see them as vital, should any tyranny take hold.

2020-02-19 23:09:48 UTC  

The key is planning, however, paired with information gathering.

2020-02-19 23:10:29 UTC  

None of that really takes place here, but there are communities, OSINT communities, who do conduct intelligence gathering and espionage, which is then used by adversaries and domestic terrorist organizations, @snake.

2020-02-19 23:10:54 UTC  

That would be an example where I'd intervene, as I've done in the past.

2020-02-19 23:18:54 UTC  

> The alt right, white nationalism

As for the alt-Right, I always found it comical how Richard Spencer came up with such a label, purely for propagandistic purposes and manipulating public perception, for "the base," considering his policies are NatSoc and are indistinguishable from left-wing Socialism in practice. Those who wish to destroy Liberty, in the United States, do not belong on the right, in my political aisle.

2020-02-19 23:23:30 UTC  

The odd thing with tyrants is they never seem to account for the freedom loving nature of so many people that'll inevitably return their authoritarian dream state back to a more natural state.

2020-02-19 23:24:01 UTC  

"This time it'll work, I know how to do it."
It's a sign of megalomania.

2020-02-19 23:24:18 UTC

2020-02-19 23:24:32 UTC  

There is little purpose in opposing that which you hate, if you are only to, in the end, become indistinguishable from them, @ETBrooD.

2020-02-19 23:24:54 UTC  

Opposing kiddie-diddlers?

2020-02-19 23:25:05 UTC  

Diddling opposers?

2020-02-19 23:25:26 UTC  

You are not at a danger of becomming a pedo if you hunt child molesters

2020-02-19 23:25:27 UTC  

@Coolitic hoes be mad

2020-02-19 23:25:35 UTC  

I went down that path for a while, in my opposition to the left, a reactionary if you will, @ETBrooD. On that path, my values were not preserved, yet my setting down that path was seeing the "left" oppose my values.

2020-02-19 23:25:39 UTC  

There is a certain predisposition needed first

2020-02-19 23:27:27 UTC  

JFK said it best: "Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment."

2020-02-19 23:28:57 UTC  

The key is not allowing either of the extremes to warp and control your perception of reality, and remember you have a choice. The third choice is neither or, but instead oppose both in preference of Liberty.

2020-02-19 23:29:18 UTC  

If either succeeds, you merely become that which you sought initially to oppose.

2020-02-19 23:29:22 UTC  

That's the catch 22.

2020-02-19 23:29:59 UTC  

" A Nation ruined by an outside force will rise again,
One that has rotten from inside will perish forever. "

2020-02-19 23:30:24 UTC  

That's also why I don't allow these modern distinctions, drawn by the left, to determine what I perceive as left and right. Instead, I maintain control over my perception, absent their revisionist attempts, and the reactionaries likewise have no impact on my thought.

2020-02-19 23:31:11 UTC  

@Uksio, indeed.

2020-02-19 23:32:07 UTC  

Subversion does not work on me, simply put.

2020-02-19 23:34:24 UTC  

Goodnyaght everynyan! i tried drawing today, i wasn't very good, but i did finally try something. in more usual news, everything is going to hell for me at uni. got yelled at again, happens regularly. i do feel somewhat trapped by things i avoid, i don't fill my time with anything productive.

2020-02-19 23:34:48 UTC  

@snake, if you're able to manage your own perception of reality, unawed by malign influence, you will see the *real* third choice.

2020-02-19 23:39:54 UTC  

Wamp wamp

2020-02-19 23:51:46 UTC  

"hey i know that guy! im friends with him on facebook!" "oh cool" "i don't know that guy" "wtf liar"

2020-02-20 00:16:07 UTC  

what am i looking at @livid_scrooge

2020-02-20 00:16:20 UTC  
2020-02-20 00:18:16 UTC  

Someone dropped off a bucket of chicken and they all the nigs just started sharing it lmao