Magnus the Goat, Snowpelt King

Discord ID: 456244306873679885

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why are the people in sargons general arguing over video game engines

it looks strange because of the light shining through the thing skin

cartilige is thicker and doesnt let much light through

tim pool is very left

hes mentally handicapped

which is why hes a leftist

if youve evr heard his political vies youd know

he was a bernie bro after all

people in her are rightet

have you considered hes called a leftist because he *is* a leftist?

ae you going to claim bernie sanders isnt a leftist?

apparently not if you think tim isnt a leftist

if you think that socialism is centrist

youre mentally handicapped just like tim

his views are "id never vote for republican pro life is bad, free market is bad"

"give me gubmint gibs!"

it means he supports left wing policies

if he was supporting a normal dem candidate like warren or something it might not indicate much

but he was supporting bernie

one of the leftist leftists in the democratic party

it doesnt matter if hes better

warren is the milquetoast left

bernie is hardcore left

but because hes a democrat

so it doesnt matter

youre comparing two pieces of shit anyway

just because one is shinier than the other doesnt mean both arent shit

thinking that bernie is a good candidate is the real low iq take

which is what i just expressed

but then you thought the metaphor was bad for whatever reason

i cant get over the fact theyre both bad?

im sying theyre both bad and the people that support either have bad politics

if you think free schools and healthcare are capitalism

wealth redistribution is pretty anti capitalism

and thats what government gib are

spending on the military doesnt redistribute wealth

business subsidies do

road development does a very small amount

police spending a very small amount

but government gibs are the most egregious

but tim supports bernie specifically because of bernies proposed policies

which mkes him a lefty

the percentage bases are misleading in the extreme

considering all of the tax loopholes and such

the rich pay a less proportion of their tax than the middle class

or do you not know what a tax loophole is?

then youre aware how much they all get out of paying?

an intentional loophole is still a lopphle

and eithr way theyre what allow the rich to get off better than the middle class

the lower classes obviously float by on gibs

well more knowledgeable than you at least

coolitic if youve ever picked anything apart in your life it was a McChicken sandwich

but suffice it to say, tim pool continues to be a die hard leftist

but thats still left

he is a dogmatic ideologue

he has stated many times that he would never vote for an opposition candidate

you cant be a fence sitter if you only vote democrat

thats because the democrats are cancer

not because he agrees with trump

at every opportunity he slams republican policy

very frequently does

and has to onstantly reiterate that even though everything is going swimmingly he still hates trump and would never vote for him

which is why he then insults him?

hes called him a buffoon multiple times

as well as insulting his intelligence

your appreciation of tim certainly is interesting all things considered

but he is an ideologue

how much he works is debateable

his content has dipped in the last few years

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