Message from @Commodvs Detritvs
Discord ID: 348371284666613763
Meh, I don't blame Ant
Cumia dindu nuffin. He should have never been charged to begin with
Fuck pumpkin pie haircut big eared THOTS
Saw some middle aged fat white woman with a nigger
I'm apart of 15+ servers and daily I get 5 @ everyone's a day... drives me through a crowd of lefties...
Full employment for goy lawyers
Dude you guys literally changed the world
Just with one rally
And a dodge challenger
Burgers saving the world once again
1 fucking week
seems like a lifetime
Yeah and the attempted shut down of our movement
We're just getting started
@here get in voice if you can
I'm ready, I've been prepared for months for this... this is like the windswept silence in the war field before the war.
We're stronger and harder than ever
some people still saying cville was bad. david alvord says the AR is dead now
Who's that
"Hey guys, if we just get enough 'likes' on twitter maybe we can get a few people elected to Congress! OMFG just think of the possibilities!"
I think people don't take certain aspects of our world seriously, but that's changing
Cville was a wake up call
It was chaos
The night before struck fear into the hearts of our opposition
Literally Who says Alt Right is dead for the 15th time
Increasingly who man