Message from @Lester Cordell
Discord ID: 353486922691248128
Tired: Two birds with one stone
Wired: Two nigs with one bullet
May have to get on Gab just for this ha
@OrwellHuxley I saw them shitting on that episode, on /co/. I think I liked it.
Ha I haven't seen it I just laughed when I saw Anglins take.
At least they were Showing and not Telling like in the last couple of episodes.
Not sure if he was serious
Well, maybe a bit Telling.
R+M is one of those things where people shit on it because it gets overhyped.
Yeah, it's not a classic piece of literature. It's a cartoon.
It's better than most other cartoons though.
I saw the first season when it came out and it wasn't bad. Haven't been watching TV In the last year though.
I now am strictly racist content on the interwebs
I'm sure Dan Harmon will freak out when he hears Anglin endorsed his show
Is there a clip?
I'll look thx
They mocked Israel?
how the fuck does anyone watch this reddit garbage
worse than family guy
My favorite Eagle is the Harpy Eagle. It lives in the Amazon and eats monkeys, sloths, and possibly little brown children
the <:chad:352532639061770242> eagle
the virgin bald eagle
the chad wedge tail