Message from @OrwellHuxley
Discord ID: 353485191681015809
Just by typing "white women" you get this
Tired: Two birds with one stone
Wired: Two nigs with one bullet
May have to get on Gab just for this ha
@OrwellHuxley I saw them shitting on that episode, on /co/. I think I liked it.
Ha I haven't seen it I just laughed when I saw Anglins take.
At least they were Showing and not Telling like in the last couple of episodes.
Not sure if he was serious
Well, maybe a bit Telling.
R+M is one of those things where people shit on it because it gets overhyped.
Yeah, it's not a classic piece of literature. It's a cartoon.
It's better than most other cartoons though.
I saw the first season when it came out and it wasn't bad. Haven't been watching TV In the last year though.
I now am strictly racist content on the interwebs
I'm sure Dan Harmon will freak out when he hears Anglin endorsed his show
Did you see the Israel bit?
Is there a clip?
I'll look thx
They mocked Israel?